Chapter 5

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Hello! I hope you're enjoying this book so far. I'm definitely enjoying writing it.

TW: Remus, eating disorder, angst, self hate, and mentions of cutting.


Virgil had taken making food seriously. Which is good because if he was any of the others the mindpalace would've been burned down.

He had made spaghetti with homemade sauce. Somehow he managed to whip it up relatively quickly as well.

Virgil brought the plates over to the table where the others were, setting them down in front of them before sitting down next to Roman.

Roman couldn't deny that the food looked great. If the food was a guy, it could've made Roman even more gay than he already was. That's how good it looked.

However, Roman didn't want to eat that much. Usually in the light side he could get away with not eating as much, but he wasn't sure how he'd manage it now. Especially if the food tastes really good.

He noticed that everyone else was already eating while he spaced out, so he took a bite and oh dear. It was even better than when Patton made it. Maybe he could afford to eat half....

The others were talking a joking, but Roman was still stuck in his head as he ate. When he finished half of the spaghetti he forced himself to stop, even though he wasn't full. He knew that he wouldn't look better if he ate all of it.

"You okay there Princey? You look kind of lost," Virgil said, concern evident in his voice. Remus and Logan looked at Roman as well, also noticing how spaced out he looked.

"Oh... um... I'm good. The food was amazing. I'm just not very hungry," Roman said quietly, trying to cover up what he was thinking about without making it obvious.

"I'm glad you liked it. You should eat more later. Maybe you'll feel less full," Virgil stated, going back to eating. Roman couldn't help but notice how many times the everyone's eyes flicked towards him in concern.

"I'll eat more later, don't worry," Roman said carefully, trying not to give away that he definitely wasn't eating later. He already ate more than he had planned to. Damn Virgil and his amazing cooking skills.

Roman finally got sick of just sitting there while the others cast glances his way and got up, walking back to his new room that he shared with Remus.

He still couldn't believe that their rooms looked almost exactly the same and they never knew. It was like looking at a mirror image. Well, besides a few of the colors.

Roman walked over and sat on his bed, sinking into the soft mattress. He let out a soft sigh of content as he laid back against his pillow.

So what if he didn't eat as much? He was still eating enough. Otherwise he'd never get to be attractive.

Honestly, Roman was jealous of Remus. Remus was more attractive than him. Remus didn't have to go on a diet.

Roman let out a soft sigh, banishing those thoughts from his mind. He wasn't going to be mad at Remus for something he couldn't control.

Those thoughts only made him hate himself more. He deserved the pain. He shouldn't get to feel that way. That's why the scars started showing up. One for every bad thought he had about another side.

The slight growling in his stomach made him remember that he was still hungry, so he decided just to go to bed. He was still tired from the movie anyway.


Virgil, Remus, and Logan watched Roman walk to his room.

Virgil glanced at Roman's still half full plate of spaghetti.

"Is he okay?" Virgil asked quietly.

"I have no idea. He acted like he was scared about something," Remus murmured.

"I wonder..." Logan said in contemplation.

"What is it Specs?" Virgil asked. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Spill it or I spill your guts," Remus added.

"Well now that I think about every meal in the light side, Roman never did eat as much. He used to eat a lot more, but recently the amount has decreased," Logan stated. Virgil growled, making Logan and Remus freeze up.

"And you only mention this now! We should've addressed this long before now," Virgil snapped.

"Calm down V. Logan didn't connect the dots until now. Right Lo," Remus said, looking towards Logan for support.

"Correct. I hadn't wanted o make presumptions the first time, and didn't connect it to the other times," Logan said.

"Fine. But next time you fail to notice something like that I'm sticking your head on the wall," Virgil said with a growl.

781 words.

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