Chapter 11

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Oh dear, well I have my friend to thank for this:

That's what Em is saying now because Remus and Logan haven't fucked yet and it's hilarious

Okay last update for tonight because I'm getting tired

TW: angst, mentions of nightmares, alludes to cutting and anorexia,


Roman woke up next to something warm and comfortable. His first thought was to cuddle closer to the warmth, which he did before hunting about what the warmth was.

Roman opened his eyes and looked at what he was clinging to, which happened to be Virgil. His face flushed bright red as he noticed that Virgil was already awake and watching him.

"Good morning," Virgil said with a smirk.

"I- uh- morning," Roman stuttered out, his face redder than his sash.

"You okay Princey? You gave us quite a scare yesterday," Virgil said, the smirk falling off his face.

"I think so.... I don't know," Roman whispered. "Wait, how long was I out?"

"You've been asleep since last night. Now it's 10 am. I fell asleep at some point and woke up a few hours ago," Virgil said.

"Why didn't you wake me up? You didn't have to stay here with me," Roman said, confused.

"I wasn't leaving you. Not after that," Virgil murmured.

"What did the others eat if you didn't leave to make anything?" Roman asked.

"No clue, but I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about you," Virgil said. "You scared me Roman. I wasn't sure if you'd ever calm down."

"I'm fine now," Roman said softly.

"But that doesn't make me feel any better. I left you for a few minutes, and that's what happened. I can't leave without thinking of that. I wasn't here, and you could've hurt yourself," Virgil whispered. Roman just sighed, cuddling closer to Virgil again.

"I'm okay, Vee. You helped me. I've never been able to calm down from the nightmares that fast-"

"What? You said nightmares. Roman, tell me what you mean," Virgil stated. His face was completely serious, but there was fear underneath the surface.

"I usually have nightmares. It's always the same one. It happens most nights," Roman mumbled, looking anywhere but at Virgil. He didn't want to see whatever his reaction would be.

"That's it. You're never sleeping alone again. Remus is too heavy of a sleeper to hear if you have a nightmare. You can sleep in here," Virgil stated, holding Roman closer. Roman was surprised by the action, since usually Virgil wasn't someone for contact.

"I- but-"

"No. I'm not arguing with you on this," Virgil said, his voice hard but not uncaring. Then his voice softened. "Have you thought about telling the others?"

"No.... I don't want anyone to know. I didn't even want you to know. I don't want them to think I'm weak," Roman whispered.

"Roman, they won't think that. Remus and Logan said that whenever you're ready to tell that what's going on they'll be ready to support you. And they'll wait until you're ready. Just think about it," Virgil said gently. Roman nodded slightly. "Alright, now we need to eat. Especially you."

Virgil pulled Roman out of the bed and to the kitchen, pushing him into one of the chairs at the table as he started making food.

"You okay Roman?"

Roman turned to see Remus looking at him from the couch, his face full of concern.

"I think so. I think I'll be alright now," Roman said.

"That's good," Remus said, looking relieved.

A plate of food was set in front of Roman, making him look up in shock. He hadn't realized it had been that long. Virgil gave him a look that said "I swear to god if you don't eat this I'll kill you" before turning to Remus.

"Roman is going to be sleeping in my room for a while. We don't need move his room. This will probably be temporary," Virgil stated, sitting down with his own plate of food.

Remus' jaw literally dropped. He definitely wasn't expecting Virgil to say that.

"Wha- what?"

"Yeah that's starting tonight. And Roman, I know you like my food, so eat," Virgil said. Roman had been picking at the eggs and bacon, taking small bites, but sighed and started eating more. He couldn't deny he was hungry. The nightmare had drained him, though not as much as usual since Virgil had calmed him down.

Since he'd been eating more lately, he'd noticed how hungry he actually was. He also had no clue how he had managed to even stay awake half the time with the nightmares draining him and the lack of energy from food.

He didn't even notice when he ate all the food since he was so lost in thought. Only when he looked at Virgil did he realize.

Virgil was smiling brighter than the sun itself. He just looked so happy. Happy because of him. Roman couldn't help the fluttering of butterflies in his stomach as he looked at Virgil.

He also couldn't help the feeling of happiness that welled up in him. He had made Virgil happy. He loved seeing Virgil happy.

856 words.

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