Part 1 Bark

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Guys will start the story in the summary of the HTTYD three parts to the part that found the structure of a nation and sermons get back and start from there the story
Lets start

In Bark

Hekab sat and his bed, thinking about everything that happened to him and changed his life


In the past

Where was he with his father

Who wanted to kill a dragon, and where everyone is ostracized

He was staring at the sky and saying, I will prove to you that I can hunt a dragon urging him to take an arc and go to the forest where it was in the middle of the night

And Haikab began to watch the sky to the point where he was bored and wanted to return, but he heard a voice in the sky turned around and witnessed a dragon flying in the sky

Hekab was stunned and said, screaming quietly at night, and tried to shoot him while he was shivering. Hekab was hit and the dragon fell. Hekab felt happy and returned to his place and his father woke up

And he said, Abi Abi, wake up, I caught a dragon of anger at night, with a tone of joy

The father laughed while saying that you could not He went back to sleep

Hakkab slept and on the second day he went to the forest with a small knife and was searching for the location of the descent of the dragon and after a while he heard a voice and arrived near the rocks

Hakkab slept and on the second day he went to the forest with a small knife and was searching for the location of the descent of the dragon and after a while he heard a voice and arrived near the rocks

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He says I was hurt, I did it, and he holds the knife, and he says I will correct everything as he approaches the wrath of the night.

Hekob felt that he was doing something wrong, and he lifted the knife, and when he closed his eyes he said no, and he loosened the wrath of the night.

Through long events, Hicube and his friend became angry at night, who called her the Toothless, friends, and Hecube became aware of how to overcome the dragons.

She complained, recovered, and caught a pocket of the forest. When he arrived, I watched it with the wrath of Lille and took the ax and tried to attack the toothless and stopped it.

She screamed when the toothless man picked it up and flew to the sky and after we summarized the events

The whirlwind of the last test was to become Viking who killed the dreaded nightmare dragon with the battlefield as Heckab thought and shouted no

He threw all the weapons to everyone's exclamation, even the dragon. He said, "We, the Vikings, do something completely wrong, and we should not be afraid of the dragons. They are our friends, close their eyes, extend a hand near the dragon, and the dragon stops burning. After a few centimeters, Astok throws a sword and Hecab screamed and the dragon came back attacking as the toothless heard the scream and ran to wake up a friend and attacked the terrifying nightmare

Everyone is surprised, and they say night rage, and they tied up and cried a whirlwind, not where I take a wicket to his status and strength, where Hekab said no, Dad, do not do that, the dragons are our friends. West pushed a daughter to the ground and said, "I am clear of you

And after boring events Hagop reached the toothless who was in the sea and flew together and faced the Queen of Dragons and they won but for the price

And later

A whirlwind woke up in a bed and a toothless lick licked a hopper and said hehehe and remember the toothless in my house and woke up and tried to walk and saw his foot became artificial

A whirlwind woke up in a bed and a toothless lick licked a hopper and said hehehe and remember the toothless in my house and woke up and tried to walk and saw his foot became artificial

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And he helped him without teeth walk and saw everyone playing with dragons

This is how Hickup's adventures began

Where he found a nation and defeated the dragon of the thousands and killed the father of Hagop Stoke

This is a summary of Haw to train your dragon 1 2, part three, I will delete it

And in the present

He sent an invitation to Hagop to go to the Kingdom of Arndel to crown the Queen

Get up and tell a nation to get it ready and recover

After preparing to wear a shield, he took the blade of a fiery, which is known as ruin, and went out to the toothless people, and the nation followed him and recovered.

When they approached, they found an amazing kingdom

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