The battle of Elsa against Astrid 25

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With Elsa

You come knocked next to Hiccup where he was holding a sword and wanted to fight the field

As it is the stadium, he brought out the darkness, and Wu threw the Hiccup Sword Hell on the ground

The stadium has come to an automobile and wants to attack where the Hiccup has fallen

I ran and used my powers and ice on the field

But Astrid raged and smashed the ice, laughed the field and caught Hiccup

I screamed no, and saw the Hiccup on fire, relieved as the pitch throwers in the ground

And he started screaming in pain as he walked into the shadows

I said while helping Hiccup get up, be careful

Nodded and came with him toothless

He hugged me and told me that you would stay safe

Astrid comes and rises from the toothless blow. Hiccup says good luck and is sure of your victory

Against Astrid, he must go and out of the embrace, walking in the dark, holding a sword and a torch

Shout Be careful Hiccup beckons and disappears with shadows

Astrid laughs and rises from the ground

I look at her and then at Robanzel and the rest I see Jack attacking them

I see Astrid running to me and making an ice wall crashing into it and breaking

Hold my sword and put it to work, imagining an ice shield and a coin

She jumped to me and hit her sword in my shield, pushed her and she stood on the ground

I say take back, stop this madness or else

Laughs and says: "Otherwise, what is it like you stole my darling Hiccup from me, or like you banished me from your blessings?"

You stop saying I didn't steal a Hiccup from you, nor did I

I say that Hiccup and I love each other and you don't accept that

She screams loudly, jumps and throws her sword hard, and we closed my eyes

Nothing I opened and saw the sword frozen in a huge wall of snow

Create ice giants and say help the mighty and let go

Astrid comes kicking the shield and knock me to the ground

Fez comes out from behind her back and jumps over me

You say any last words, dirty

I say yes, my failure gets angry and raises the ax and strikes it with maximum power

I use my strength and create a stream of strong ice that topples Bastred

And throw it to the ground, grabbed my sword and came to her neck

She laughs and smiles, says do it and laughs

Lift up my sword and lift a torch and close my eyes and strike

I stop in the middle and say no, I can't

Astrid Ariete says you are weak and afraid

Leave it and walk a little urging extinguish my sword

She grabbed her mouth, which fell and ran behind me and started to hit

I turned and pushed me to the ground and smiled

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