Chapter eleven- The Bahamas islands.

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All the family sailed the next morning from the hidden creek.
The weather was unstable.
It could be quiet and suddenly a squall could come.
They had to be prepared for the sudden change.
One of them must always watch the sky and warn the other quickly.
The sea continued to be calm with a light breeze blowing from the north helping them on their way.
"Why do we sail to the Bahamas?" asked Paul.
"To have a treatment for my wounds and to be far away from George and his gang," answered Henry."
"What about the house?" asked Tim. "What about it?" answered Henry. "We cannot let it be in George's hands," said Tim. "When I become healthier, I would take suitable acts," Henry said.
The boat a one mast one, 16 feet long with an outboard powerful engine and two cabins,
sailed till midnight.
Then she encountered a squall. coming from the east and almost capsizing the boat.
Henry got fresh injuries while trying to hold himself.
It was Din's quick mind and bravery action that had saved them.
He pulled the sail quickly down.
The wind blew violently.
With a bare mast, that reduced the danger of capsizing.
After that, they had to bail the boat through the night changing shifts all the time.
In the morning, the family were so exhausted that all of them lay in the boat's cabins.
The squall was short but destructive, Henry had to be bandaged by Tim.
After the sleepless night, there were more squalls, towards afternoon they encountered a strong wind which blew fortunately from the northwest and sent them flying on their true destination.
Towards evening Henry's situation got worse, he got a fever.
The brothers argued who would take their father to a hospital.
In the end, it was decided that Paul would take their father to a hospital.
Paul acted quickly.
Determining his position to be about a hundred miles from Nassau, the capital city of the Bahamas.
Ordering his brothers to continue towards the city, he took his father on his flying belt and flew to Nassau.
It took him about two hours to reach Nassau where he put his father in the hospital, staying with him there.
Waiting for his brothers to arrive.
The hospital's diagnosis was that he had an acute fever caused by exposure to the elements while he was still wounded.
It was a two-stories building serving the Nassau population.
The treatment was to get the fever down and treat his wounds better than he had before.
The doctor told Paul that Henry must stay in the hospital for a week.
The next day towards evening Henry's sons arrived at Nassau.
The brothers went immediately to visit their father, whose fever became less acute.
Suddenly Henry's phone rang.
Din answered instead of his weak father. "It's George," said Din giving the phone to Henry.
George threatened Henry immediately.
It was a short but violent talk.
George threatened to burn Henry's house to the ground.
Adding that he knew where Henry was.
Paul took the phone from Henry and invited the coward George to come and fetch Henry.
"We can burn your house if you burn ours." he threatened George, in answer to the former threats.
George answered angrily that he would come personally to fetch Henry and deal with his brats.
"It was stupid of you to threaten him," said Henry weakly.
Paul wanted to answer, but his father said, "The main problem is how to avoid George coming here, check with the airport...
no, he would come disguised.
The atmosphere in the room was depressing.
Everybody thought about the consequences that this could be, should George and his men come here.
At last, Henry called the doctor and consulted with him the option to be transferred to a safer place.
After a long thought, the doctor suggested that Henry would be transferred to his house.
Which was out of Nassau and be treated there, in a place far from the city with better air, and less influenced by the hospital's germs.
They did it at once taking with them enough medications to last for a week.
The doctor's wife, who was a nurse herself, would treat him for a sum of money.
Henry agreed immediately, and he was transferred to the doctor's house.
Before leaving, Henry whispered to Paul to take his boat out of the harbor to another port named George Town.
It situated southwest of Nassau. "Take Din with you." He said:
Approaching slowly by foot, Paul took the precaution to spy on the boat with his spyglass.
There was a movement aboard the boat!!
"A problem" he whispered to Din and gave him the spyglass,
"They are George's gang. I think the others went to the hospital to catch Father!!!"
"Call father and warn him," he told Din.
Din phoned but got no answer.
"Come," he told Din "they caught them."
They flew towards the doctor's house.
On the way, they encountered Tim weeping.
"They took him," he cried.
"Which direction?" asked Paul.
Tim pointed away from the house in the opposite direction of the city.
Paul thought for a moment.
"There could be 2 options: our boat or Nassau's airport."
Paul decided. "Din fly with Tim toward Nassau. I will fly in the airport's direction."
Before taking off he got the car's description from Tim.
It was a common white Ford car.
It didn't help him much.
He took off immediately while Tim and Din flew towards Nassau's port.
The white Ford traveled quickly in a northern direction.
In it, there were George, the giant, and Henry.
"You are going to tell me where are the diamonds or he would continue what he had begun at my house," said George, smiling cruelly.
Henry didn't answer.
"We checked your boat and didn't find any diamonds there, so you will be my guest at my house again.
There I am sure you will tell me what I want."
While he was talking Henry pushed the emergency button which showed Paul his exact location.
Tim and Din reached the boat that was abandoned and undamaged.
The brothers found out that only the sails were damaged and the reserve fuel was gone.
Having more sails aboard the boat they put them on the mast.
Then bought fuel in the harbor and set sail.
Telling Paul about it and that the destination would be the secret creek and not George town.
Paul reached the airport but didn't find the car.
Then he saw a small plane taking off from the airport and heard another signal from his father.
"The bastards" he cursed when the signal showed him his father's location in the small plane.
The plan was just taking off.
He took off in his flying belt flying at 80 miles per hour at a low height.
The weather was bad.
Lightning, thunder, and rain with a strong north wind made his flight difficult.
He knew that he had to reach Florida to rescue his father, probably from George's house.
In the small plane, the bad weather caused concern to the pilot and George, while the giant sat with a face twisted with fear.
Every time the plane was thrown by the strong wind, he became paler and frightened.
"Is it not better to turn back" shouted George in the pilot's ear.
The man didn't answer.
George shook the pilot. "Turn back," he shouted.
The pilot turned a frightened face but didn't say anything.
On the seat behind, near the giant, Henry felt that the violent movements of the plane caused the rope on his hands to become loose.
He put his hands near his mouth and with his teeth, he tried to loosen his ties.
The supposed giant guard didn't look his way concentrated on his own fear.
He tried to untie his hands by his teeth;
The giant saw it and tried to stand when a violent gust of wind shook the small plane.
The giant fell crying.
Henry didn't stop loosening his ties.
The giant tried to get up but fell again.
Henry's ties were loosened completely.
He leaned down to untie his legs' ties when the plane shook again violently.
It began to dive.
Henry was paralyzed for a moment but at that moment the pilot succeeded in stopping the plane's dive.
Flying up again, this violent movement opened the plane's door throwing out of the plane two people, Henry, and the giant,
The giant caught Henry's legs, desperately trying to stay alive.
His weight caused enormous pain to the already injured Henry.
By an inhuman effort, he succeeded in operating the flying belt causing it to fall slower.
This act shook the giant causing him to leave Henry's legs.
Diving quickly shouting until he met the sea below and his death.
Henry took control of his undamaged flying belt and flew horizontally.
Looking above he saw the small plane still flying shaking again violently.
The pilot succeeded in stabilizing the plane and he and George flew back towards Florida. ==============================================
In Nassau's harbor, Tim and Din moved the boat towards the harbor's entrance slowly, while the sails were still furled.
A gust of wind coming from the sea shook the boat,
The rain was pouring down on them, and then the lightning came revealing a stormy sea with high waves.
Tim was shouting into Din's ear "It's crazy to put into the sea in such weather,"
Din looked at him for a moment wavering between two choices, to go back to their anchorage or to brave the sea.
Being young and brave he preferred the second choice.
So he approached the harbor entrance slowly when a big wave entered the harbor hitting the boat violently.
This caused her to lean crazily to one side.
Then she straightened again.
Tim held Din shouting "You're crazy bastard you almost killed us, back to the anchorage!"
Paul was battling with the violent wind.
He knew he could not overcome it, so he let the wind push him south away from his target.
"I must land somewhere," he thought. "The only near land was big Andros island to the south.
"But he still didn't see the land owing to the weather's bad conditions.
It was the same again as his first flight, pushed helplessly by the violent wind,
The difference was that now he knew how to establish his position.
The rain poured down violently from low clouds;
The day got a grey color.
He was pushed all the time south.
Suddenly he saw a land appearing and then disappearing between the pouring rain.
He tried to fly west, but the wind didn't let him do it.
Henry felt the airbags appearing giving him a sitting position which enabled him to take control of the flying belt.
He leaned and untied his legs then got to a height of ten feet flying forward.
Looking quickly around, he was in time to see the plane flying northwest disappearing after a short time.
In the harbor Tim and Din had a bad experience, trying to reach their anchorage.
Big waves continued to wash the harbor and pushed the boat inside.
They concluded that the best way would be to use a lull in the big waves to sail quickly into the inner harbor.
There were the boats that anchored in the harbor.
It took them some minutes of fear before a lull in the waves enabled them to sail quickly into the more protected inner harbor.
There they lashed their boat to the prepared anchorage.
Waiting some minutes to see if they were safe.
When they saw that the place was safe, the brothers stopped the engine and tried to contact Paul.
They didn't succeed!
Henry felt his old heights' fear returning.
Panic threatened to overcome him.
The strong wind threw him up, he cried in fear and felt himself sinking into a black abyss.
"I am finished," he thought, but then before losing control completely,
he remembered his sons and some of his courage returned.
The wind was playing with him throwing him this way and that way.
He somehow still maintained some control of his flying belt.
The rain was pouring down on his bare head, wetting him all the time.
His flying helmet was in his jacket, and he could not try to wear it because of the bad conditions.
But at least he gained some control of his height's fear.
That enabled him to function.
So he tried to land through the rain, which was difficult.
He knew that there were a lot of islands in the area and there was a chance to meet one of them, especially big Andros island.
There was a pause in the ragging storm, and Paul had a glimpse of a land!
He turned immediately towards it.
feeling a blast of wind throwing him away and the land disappeared.
Paul felt despair taking hold of him; he fought it bravely, which enabled him to control his flying belt.
He was still pushed south by the wind, then there was a short pause in the blowing wind.
Paul saw a tiny island not far away.
He flew quickly towards that land, but before he could land there a blast of wind threw him away.
Shocked he hoped for another chance.
Fate was playing with him, he thought when he saw another land appearing and disappearing.
Frightened Paul gave up, while the wind was pushing him.
After a while, he made an inhuman effort to get out of his despair and fear.
Succeeding with it he made two or three more attempts to land and failed.
So it continued for the best part of three hours.
The storm's force decreased, the wind's blasts became rarely.
Before dusk came, he saw a tiny bare island and landed there at once.
The night was an hour away;
Paul looked around and saw that a high rock was not far away.
He flew there preparing to stay there till morning.
Now that his father had taught him how to fix his exact location, he was confident to take off from this tiny island in the morning.
Henry was pushed by the strong wind southward during the best part of three hours.
From time to time he had to battle against his fear and the storm.
The lack of a flying helmet on his head made it very difficult to concentrate on his flying.
As evening approached, he hoped the storm would abate.
Henry was in severe pain from his injuries, and he hoped he would soon be able to treat them.
While the storm raged, he saw suddenly a land and succeeded in landing there.
He lay on the wet ground. suffering from his wounds terribly and felt he was going to faint any minute.
Trying to operate his communication device he failed out of weakness, so he pushed the emergency button and then fainted.
Paul was half asleep when he heard the emergency sign.
He opened his green eyes in amazement, thinking he was dreaming.
No other sign came in, he checked the flying belt and saw his father's sign, coming just ten miles to the south.
Paul didn't hesitate, although the wind was strengthening again.
Braving the bad weather he flew straight away low above the stormy sea pushed from time to time out of his goal.
Knowing that he must reach his father as quickly as possible it gave him the strength he needed.
It took him sometimes to reach his father's place.
He found him moaning, with eyes closed. "Father!" he cried.
It took several times to shout before Henry opened his brown eyes.
"Who is it?" he whispered into the storm.
"It's me, Paul!" answered Paul.
Uncomprehending he looked around slowly, then recognized his son in the lightning flash.
"Oh, it's you," he cried.
They embarrassed when Henry cried in pain.
"Father, you are bleeding," cried Paul.
"Try Andros city in Andros island it's not far away, there is a hospital there, take me there quickly,"

Checking quickly, Paul found out that a flight of 40 miles per hour in this awful weather might bring them to the hospital in 40 minutes.

They had some difficulties:

First, how to fly together.

Second, how to overcome the bad weather.

Deciding that Henry's flying belt would be in a neutral way giving him the capability of flying if he had to do it in an emergency, while Paul tying him to his flying belt physically and electronically.

Henry put his helmet on his head and checked that they had communication between them, then they took off together, after contacting the hospital, into the stormy night.

It was an awful and frightening flight.

Time after a time, they thought the end was coming.

They were swirling around and around by the strong wind, which denied them the straight flight towards Andros island.

So they were thrown up and down then straight ahead in a southern direction.

They were desperate. Paul thought his father would die that night.

But the tying held miraculously and after an exhausting flight, they found themselves above a stormy sea but with a reduced storm's power.

Finding themselves south of Andros Island, Bahamas islands.

It took them an hour to reach Andros city's hospital, where the unconscious Henry was quickly put in an emergency room, where the doctors fought to save his life after he lost a lot of blood.


In Nassau's harbor, Tim and Din waited for the weather to improve.

They tried, again and again, to communicate with Paul.
It took them more than a day to get Paul on wireless and learn from him about their father's situation.

When the weather calmed down, they sailed the short distance that separated them from Andros town.

Anchoring there they rushed to see their father, who was still in bad shape.

Paul told them that there was a chance, even remotely, that their father would overcome the crisis.


The amazing flying belt - book one - Paul's treasure islandWhere stories live. Discover now