chapter2: the new team7's training

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Shikan wake's up in his bed sweating. NOOOOOOOO! Sasuke was leaning by the door looking at me. What happened? Well you and Boruto where fighting, you guy's where about to destroy your arm, and also I knocked you out. Why? I don't know you tell me. I don't remember anything. Maybe because your little otsutsuki friend inside you thought Boruto was a threat. I gotta apologize. It's okay, I forgive you. I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Hiran. He ran to Hiran and seen her training. Hiran, sorry. It's okay. Thank you, for forgiving me! But can we train though? Yeah, why not. So did you unlock the mongekyou sharingan? No. Oh, good. She reached for a kunai and threw it at me. I used a substitution jutsu and disappeared. Sharingan! So your gonna use your sharingan, said Shikan. Aren't you! She rushed to him and tried to attack but he dodged them. No need. Uchiha arts: swift kick! He tripped her but before she could land he kicked her in the air then appeared infront of her then knocked her to the ground. AGH! You could've blocked that, why didn't you? Actually I did. Huh? Another Hiran jumped up behind Shikan and she hit him with a fire ball. Agh, it burn's! It's supposed too. NINJA ART: FIRE FIST! He rushed to her with his hand on fire then he hit Hiran in her stomach. I won't give up. I'm not expecting you too. Agh! What's wrong your hurt? A pattern came up to his face and his arm. No, I can fight this! SHARINGAN! He rushed tword's het and tripped her again. Lightning blade! She dodge the attack just in time. Wow, your serious. No i'm not. She trew kunai's at him and they hit him head on. Agh! He pulled them out his skin and threw them back. She dodge every single one. GAH! The curse mark started spreading again and he went into stage 1. I feel more powerful. Um Sasuke, Shikan has markings on the half of his body. Sasuke rushed out side and seen the markings. It's activated. What has? The marking's started spreading again and he goes into the second stage. His nail's started growing, teeth, and hair. His eye's started to change in a slit like pattern, his back bone's started moving, and wing's started sprouting. What's happening? AGH! His vain's started rushing to his eye's and then went blood red. AGH! What's happening? I think his curse mark is failing it's transformation. His body isn't compatible. GAH! I won't die to this! His mongekyou sharingan awakened and it stopped. The curse mark went back into his seal. He fell to the ground and passed out. When he woke up and the seal was marked. What, what happened? I sealed up your curse mark. So I can't use it anymore. No, but you have the power to control it now. This is the second time I blacked out, I think. Haha. Yeah, I gues. Ya'know Sasuke, your a big softie! Well, I gues I am. Can you teach me the chidori? Why, you have the lightning blade. Yeah but who want's to do hand sign's all the time? Heh. We'll start tomorrow. Hehehe. We should head back to the village. I forgot all about that. I gues we should. Everyone, it's time to go! Yes, I haven't had a hamburger in 2 day's. Yeah. Also you should cut your hair a little. Uh, I don't know Boruto. Alert the team Kawaki and Hiran. Wait, I wanna train with them. How bout we all train togather. Sarada? Let's do this! We all went out side looking happy. Shikan smiled at Sasuke and he nodded. Shikan went into stage two of the curse mark. Go! Everyone jumped back into a tree then disappeared. Shikan was hiding in a tree and covering his track's. Sharingan..... He seen kunia's come his way but he disappeared. The kunai's hit the tree but with no sign that Shikan was ever there. He landed on the same branch where Sarada was. Hu.. Shhhh. We can't let our presents be known. Boruto jumped down from his tree and landed on the ground. Kawaki did the same. No more hiding! Shikan jumped down and staired at Kawaki. Where's Sarada? Behind you. Boruto turned around and caught her fist. Shikan rushed to Kawaki with speed like no one has ever seen. Gah! He punched Kawaki in the face and he spat out blood. You were off guard, why? Kawaki pointed at the tree and he came out with kunai's. Shikan pulled out a kunai then they clashed. Kawaki and Shikan both jumped back. Shikan smirked at Kawaki. I'm gonna wipe that smirk out your face! Kawaki started rushing tword's Shikan but he jumped in the air. FIRE BALL JUTSU! Shikan formed his rasengan and the wind from his rasengan wiped the fire away then he hit Kawaki in his stomach. GAH! What? Focus on me! Boruto jumped back as Sarada punched in the ground. Shikan seen this and while Boruto was flipping he rushed to him and punched him down. GAH! Uchiha one, Uzumaki zero. I don't know about that one! Kawaki came out the ground and punched him in his chin. GAH! The curse markings started comming out. Tch! He wipped the blood off his mouth and got up. CHIDORI BLADE! He holded the blade up to Kawaki's neck. Bow down. Kawaki elbowed Shikan in his stomach and flipped him over his back. Agh! It was a shadow clone? Yep. The real Shikan came down from the tree and landed. You really think thatbI would use my curse mark that early? Sharingan! He rushed to Kawaki and kicked him. He's improved, said Kawaki. SHADOW CLONE JUTSU! Kawaki jumped back smiling at Shikan. Shikan pulled out his sword and stabed it in the ground. He jumped on top of the sword and placed his hand on the sword. Chidori blade! The lightning hit every clone under ground and the surface. Try harder Kawaki. He jumped down and smiled at him. He lifted up his hand and the chidori started forming. Mongekyou sharingan! Huh? He teleported to kawaki and Shikan hit him with his chidori. Kawaki fell off the branch in pain. Agh! Shikan jumped down and Boruto came out the ground with his rasengan and blasted Shikan into the air. Oh crap. I think I sunt him to space. Agh! I'm going to space. No, I gotta focus. He placed his hand togather and his chakra started comming out. KUMAI! he disappeared and came out with his chidori. CHIDORI SPEAR! His chidori came out in spear like then it hit him in his arm. AHHH! He did a backflip then landed. Huuu hu huuu hu. He went over to boruto then healed him. He went to Kawaki and did that same. Everyone was knocked out except Sarada. Seem's like your the last one standing. And your chakra is okay. Yeah it is. Everyone else is knocked out. Shikan used the rest of his chakra on Boruto and Kawaki, Kawaki got knocked out, and Boruto got knocked out too. Well you should train more. That's your awnser dad! Yeah it is. Dad, you just don't understand. She ran off into the forrest angry and crying. Boruto opened his eye's and got up off the ground. Where's Sarada? She has gone off in the forrest. I feel better I'm gonna go check on her. Kawaki should be up next tell him I'm going to be with Sarada. He nodded. A few minutes later Kawaki waked up. What happened? Shikan knocked you and boruto out then he knocked himself out by using up all his chakra. So you got up before me. He tried to stand up but he fell again. He smiled and got up back on his feet. He almost fell but Kawaki catched him. They walked into the house layed down. SARADA! Boruto leave me alone! He threw a kunai at the tree and she stopped. What's wrong? Nouthing. He pinned her to tree and asked her again. What's wrong? She started blushing and stopped crying. I don't fit in with all of you. Yes you do. Especially Shikan, you two are both Uchiha's. Yeah but he's full blooded and stronger. Ya'know, I hate when you doubt yourself. Your so much better than anyone of all of us. What? Your talented, you can throw shiriken better than anyone, and your willing to do anything for your conrad's. Your right Boruto. She hugged Boruto and he was shocked and started blushing. He was stairing into space and before he knew it she was gone. SHIKAN! Huh? Let's fight..... Okay. But you need to heal, said Hiran. It's okay. He grabed some food pill's, grabed his cloak, his sword, and he grabed his mask. Let's go! He staired at her then he disappeared. She closed her eye's the awakened her sharingan. SHADOW CLONE JUTSU! All his clone's started forming rasengan's. They rushed tword's her and tried to hit her and she dodge most of them. Hmph, this fight remind's me of Naruto and me. He brushed back his hair then pulled out his sword. Why the cloak? Kunai, shiriken, and paper bomb's. You have a weapon cloak? You don't? FIRE BALL JUTSU! Not this again. He vanished behind her and threw his cloak at her then hit it with fire. HAAAA! It exploded and it blew Sarada away. GAH! She got up from the ground prepared for a jutsu. LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGHTNING BALL JUTSU! He jumped back then made a circle of chakra to protect him. Hahahahaha! He went underground with no trace of life. Where did he go? She doesn't even know. She started looking around and looked at the ground. She punched it but I wasn't there. HEY SASUKE, IS IT LIKE THIS? What are you talking about? Ya'know the Itachi thing when he hold's his hand on the zipper. Ya'know what we'll talk later. Shikan pulled out the kunai and threw it at her. She bounced back and Shikan's shadow clone kicked her back to the ground. The clone disappeared and Shikan looked at her. I'm weak and your still getting beat. No I'm not! He turned around and he got hit my a chidori. He fell to the ground and it disappeared. Ahahahahahahaha! She vanished and trew kunai at him. He dodge them. Haven't you ran outta kunai? Not at all! PLASMA CHIDORI! She hit the real him dead on in his chest. AAAGH! He fell to the ground lifeless. Blood started oozing out his mouth. I did it I defeated him! Hey guy's it's time to go. Shikan? SHIKAN! Sarada get your father now! She ran through the house and got her father. Dad help! They rushed out the house seeing Shikan bleeding out. What happend? I used my new jutsu, it was too strong, and he fell out. Go get your mother. No need! Tsunade? I can heal him. She placed her hand's on his chest. He's okay but take him back to the village. I need fo speak with Sasuke. They left and Tsunade was stairing at Sasuke. What happened here! Sarada used her nee jutsu on Shikan while he was tired and not feeling good. Did you know that he wasn't feeling good? No I just found out. How did you? Because Shikan would've grabbed her hand and flip her over or he would've dodge. Well Sasuke 'm blaming you. Of course you are. Sasuke and Tsunade started walking back to the village.

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