Miles Kulitn

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Name: Miles Adrian Kulitn

Gender: Non-Binary

Age: 21-22

Creature: Shapeshifter & Imp (Warrior)

Lordship: Kulitn & Siliz

Description: Tall about 6'2. Broad shoulder and hips, over all solid body (like a gymnast), with an 8 pack abs. Can change hair, but Normally has Short Violet hair, in a mess of tightly wound curls on head. Almond-chestnut skin tone. Scars covering arms and torso, with one long scare covering his left eye down vertically, (eyes perfectly functioning). Eyes usually Fern Green.

Magical Tattoo- Large Sunflower on whole of right forearm, with a baby Chinese Fireball wrapped around stem

Creature Features: Shapeshifter- Can change into any animal he has seen/ studied extensively.

Imp- Golden ring around eyes, claws and all teeth sharpened

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Familiars: Black and white Demiguise (female)- Pepper. 2 Magically enhanced Sugar Gilders (Female & Male)- Juno (female) (Roman Goddess of sky, love & marriage). Jupiter (male) (Roman god of lightening and thunder. King of Gods)

Hobbies/Interests: Cooking, Reading, Camping, Exercising, Looking after Animals, Learning new things, Chess, Flying, Star Gazing.

Personality Traits: Daring, Brave, Quiet, Calm, Calculating, Determined, Protective, Neat, Athletic, Intelligent, Kind, Selfless, Caring, Loving, Cool, Mindful, Loyal, Methodical, Cautious, Critical, Charming, Encouraging, Sweet, Mischievous.

Abilities (Branches of Magic): Metamorphmagus, Defence, Fighting (Imp, Wizard and some Muggle), Healing (all types), Beast Speak.

Wand: Wood- Cedar & Rowan. Cores- Jackalope Heartstring & Dittany Stalk

Family Members: Mother: Karina (Shapeshifter)

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