Cedric Diggory

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Name: Cedric Marcus Diggory

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Creature: Imp (Air)

Heirship: Diggory

Description: Medium- tall about 5'9. Buff-ish & stocky, but very quick. Oval rounded face, strong jaw and light tan and a lightly freckled face. Hazel eyes. Very light brown hair usually styled in a loose Pompadour with a high fade.

Creature Features: Bone white ring around eyes, claws and all teeth sharpened.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Familiars: Crup (male)- Moose. Scops Owl (female)- Melody.

Hobbies/Interests: Flying, Quidditch, Cooking, Reading, Duelling, Exercise, Hiking, Camping, Photography, Dancing.

Personality Traits: Loyal, Hardworking, Dedicated, Patient, Fair, Daring, Adventurous, Loving, Caring, Kind, Friendly, Thoughtful, Inclusive, Trusting, Understanding, Sympathetic, Active, Charming, Sociable, Popular, Open, Selfless, Intelligent, Romantic, Reliable, Playful, Calm, Optimistic, Logical, Honest, Humble, Down-to-earth, Mother-hen.

Abilities (Branches of Magic): Elemental Control (air), Fighting (Imp), Defence.

Wand: Wood- Beech & Ebony. Cores- Dragon Heartstring & Jackalope Antler

Family Members: Father- Amos (Imp- river). Mother- Laura (Witch). Little sister: Samantha 11yrs (Imp- river)

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