Chapter 2 - The First Act

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 Ruby and her team had gone to their dorm for the first time after the initiation ceremony. Ruby was absolutely freaking out after finding out that her father was one of the teachers at Beacon.

Ruby: A- And Professor Ozpin says it and then a guy walks up an- and- IT'S MY DAD!

Yang: Ruby, calm down! I know it's really surprising for both of us.

Weiss: Wait, why is this so surprising for Ruby? Wouldn't she be aware of something as important as her father's new job?

Yang: Well, Uncle (Y/N) hasn't exactly been very involved in Ruby's life. He and Ruby's mom seemed to be really happy together, but he just left one day. My dad won't tell us anything about why he left... he just told us that it was probably better that he left.

Weiss: What? In what world would a father leaving be better for the child than if he stayed?

Yang: I told you, I don't know why exactly he left.

Ruby: But he's back!

Weiss: Wouldn't you be upset about him leaving, Ruby? He wasn't involved in your life at all over these years.

Ruby: He was involved! It just wasn't all the time!

Weiss: My point still stands, he was barely there for you. I would at least expect you to be a little upset.

Ruby: I- I don't know how to feel... but if my dad is teaching at Beacon, then I can at least try and get answers. Of course I want to know why he left! Of course I want to know what he was thinking when he left his friends... and his wife... behind. I... would just prefer to be there... when I get those answers.

Blake: Wow... I wasn't expecting to hear that from you, Ruby...

The room was left in silence, nobody knew what to say. The emotion in the air was almost tangible.The silence was then broken by Yang yawning.

Yang: Regardless, I think we should get some rest. Today has been a long day... for all of us. 

 Yang got ready to go to bed. The other three took a moment, but also gave in to their tiredness. Ruby struggled to get to sleep, but eventually found herself drifting off.

Timeskip to the following day

It was late in the school day. Team RWBY sat together in the Weapon Studies room. Everyone in the classroom was confused. It had been several minutes since class started, but Professor (L/N) had yet to arrive. Just as they began to question where he was, (Y/N) burst through the main door to the classroom, he held a white briefcase in his right hand.

(Y/N): I will not tolerate any reckless or unruly behavior in this class. I think that appropriate student behavior is the least I can ask for at such a prestigious school.

The room was silent as he reached the front of his desk and turned towards the class.

(Y/N): Now, where was I... ah yes. Welcome to Weapon Studies. In this class I will teach you how to identify, wield, and counter various weapons that can be found across Remnant. Or at least that's how Professor Ozpin described it to me.

The room stayed silent.

(Y/N) under breath: Whatever, I thought it was funny.

(Y/N) cleared his throat.

(Y/N): Now, are there any questions before we begin this lesson?

Jaune raised his hand.

(Y/N): Yes, you there in the back.

[Indefinite Hiatus] The Helix Curse (RWBY x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن