Chapter 7

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     "Finn!" Rey screamed as she awoke. "It's okay Rey, relax," Poe told her. "How do you feel?" "Fine, just a little sore," she said as she winced. "I need to go look for Finn. It's my fault." "No Rey. You need to rest. You're 6 months pregnant, and you just got thrown across the dessert with the force. Tell me exactly what happened." Poe told her.

     "I was watching Finn run his training course, and he seemed to be tense and angry. When I confronted him about it, he pushed me away figuratively. Then, I stopped the training and told him that anger was a path to the dark side. But, he brushed me off and wanted to get back at it. I told him that he could talk to me, but then he screamed at me and pushed me away literally with the force. NOW, I need to go look for him. It is my fault, I pushed him to hard." Rey told him.

     She got up and started walking towards the door when she started having severe pain in her belly. "Ah! Ah! Ahhhh!" Rey screamed as she collapsed. "Rey, what's wrong?" Poe asked really concerned this time, as he caught her before she hit the ground. "Ahh, ahhh.....something's really wrong! Somethings really really wrong!!!" Rey screamed at him. Then they both saw blood on the floor. "Poe, help me!!!" Rey started, but then screamed a blood curdling scream. "Rey! Breathe Rey! Breathe!" Poe had no idea what to do. There were no doctors on Tatooine, and she needed help. She was bleeding!

      Rey was screaming bloody murder now. "It hursts!!! It hurts!!!" She screeched. "Chewie!" Poe screamed as he scooped Rey up. "We gotta go now!" Chewie ran to the Falcon, and got it primed and ready. Poe carried a screaming and crying Rey on board. "Rey, we're gonna get you help. Hold on." Poe told her as Chewie took off. She screamed one last time and went unconscious from the pain in Poe's arms. "Rey! Rey! Hold on."

A.N. Cliffhanger!!!!!! Hope y'all are enjoying the book. Don't forget to vote and comment pls!

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