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It had been nearly a year since Aurora had seen Feyre. They had spent days bonding together whenever Tamlin and Helion would get together for meetings. They had spent hours together gossiping about the latest news, talking about their families. But after the scandal with Rhysand, she had not seen her. As much as she wanted things to go back to the way they were, Aurora knew that Feyre was where she was meant to be. Living in her castle with little to none social contact, Aurora was slowly wilting away. Every day became harder with her husband and she thought, once pregnant, everything would be better, but four months in, nothing had changed. The only solace she could find in that house was the small light growing inside her. That is why, when told that The High Lord and Lady of the Night court would be coming to the Day court for a conference with her husband, she was overjoyed to see her friend and tell her the good news.

Sitting in the library; her refuge and haven, Aurora waited near a window and watched for the arrival of the people that would change her life. Nearly falling asleep, Aurora suddenly awoke by the lively voices of Illyrian men. One, in particular, caught her attention, a deep calm voice that she found consoling.

"Aurora get down here, to greet my guests" Helion Bellowed up the stairs to the large library. She found herself running down the stairs, lifting her skirt, being careful not to trip on it. At the bottom of the stairs, she saw her best-well, only friend in the world looking up at her with a grin. Aurora ran down the stairs as fast as her legs would take her and leaped into Feyre's arms.

"I missed you so much" Feyre said, tightening the hug only to find a bulge coming from her friend's stomach. "By the Cauldron" she said nearly in tears "How far are you in?"

"Almost four months" Helion chimed in solemnly before his wife could respond. Feyre glanced at Helion before placing her eyes on Aurora. Sorrow flowed between them and Feyre squeezed her friend's hand in understanding. She had always known that Neither Aurora nor Helion loved each other. When Aurora's father died at a young age, her mother began to ensure her daughter a prosperous and wealthy life by grooming her to marry the High Lord. She would attend teas at the palace and go to all the balls. And finally, when she was 16, an agreement was reached. When Aurora turned 18 she would marry Helion and bear him an heir. Being 19 now, it had taken her a long time to conceive a child since their marriage. Now that she had, she was scared of what would happen next.

Pulling both of them out of their grip, Rhysand stuck his had out in greeting to Aurora.  

"Hello Aurora, I have heard so much about you I feel as if I already know you. " 

She shook his hand and said, "I as well, I have heard all about you in Feyre's letters."

"All good things I hope?"

"I guess you'll never know." 

Giving Feyre a playful look, Aurora looked to the two soldiers beside her in question. 

"This is Cassian and Azriel. They are part of our court and will be staying here too, I hope that's okay." She said.

"Of course it is. There are way too many rooms in this house not being used. " Aurora said not keeping her eyes off the latter Illyrian.  Something about his appearance seemed very cold and stiff. But all that Aurora could feel was soft and inviting. 

"Aurora I think it's time you headed back upstairs," Helion said breaking her stare, "We have business to discuss."

Without acknowledging her husband, Aurora sighed and hugged Feyre once again "It was amazing seeing you, I hope we will spend more time together over the next few days." And with that Aurora curtsied to the group, eyes catching again on the tall male in the back and ascended up the stairs. 


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