13: Behind My Betrayal

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Pain resonates in my side as I bring my hands to the source. Red coats my hands like paint as I try to keep more of it from leaving my punctured skin. When the sharp object twists inside of me, I can barely breath from shock.

My whole body was threatening to shut down as I felt more blood leak from my wound. Slowly I was getting weaker as I am drained of the substance that kept me alive.

The person I once called friend pulls the knife from me and lets my body fall limply to the cement on the flat roofed apartment building. I apply pressure to the area that needed attention with my palms, but they aren't enough. My blood seeps right through my fingers.

I lost a lot of blood that night. Fading in and out of consciousness, I didn't know how long I was laying there, or who found me. All I know was that I was in the hospital, and person who did this to me was gone.

Waking up in the hospital this time wasn't so different, except for the fact I wasn't in critical condition.

Hushed voices come from the other side of the room, both I know very well.

"I think you've done enough already," Sabrina hisses, clearly upset with whomever she is conversating.

"I would be careful of the things you say aloud, Miss Williams," a deeper voice warns. Andrew.

"You did this," she says in a harsh whisper. "I know you did."

Father doesn't raise his voice, or lose his calm demeanor as he says, "Your boyfriend took a tumble down some stairs." What he says jogs my memory a little bit. I did fall down the stairs, but he doesn't mention that he is the one that pushed me down them. "Now why don't you be a good girl and keep your theories to yourself."

I clear my throat, making it clear that I am awake. They both look my way. Sabrina's eyes are wide, almost like she is afraid. It's understandable if she is. Andrew Griffin is a scary man to face if you push the wrong buttons.

She rushes to my bedside, leaving my father behind her, and grabs my hand in hers. A relieved smile forms on her lips as she looks down at me. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Of course I'm okay," I tell her, giving her hand a squeeze of reassurance.

"What happened?" she whispers in concern.

Before I can reply, Andrew clears his throat. "Sabrina, why don't you go and alert the nurse that Austin is awake?"

From the look on her face, I know she is hesitant, but lets go of my hand anyways. When she's gone Andrew closes the door behind her, clearly wanting some privacy. A cold shiver runs down my spine as he gets closer, pulling a chair with him. He sits down a foot away from the bed eyeing me tensely as he looks at me.

"Here's how it's going to go," he tells me matter-of-factly. "I already told the doctor what happened, but she said that they needed to hear it from you." I take a deep breath, readying myself for whatever story he wants me to repeat. "You were drunk. I was out on that business trip with your mother and you got into my liquor cabinet. At some point you drank too much and when you tried going down the stairs to your room, you lost your footing and fell down them."

I want to be angry with him, but I know that this is all my fault. Throwing parties had its consequences.

"Got it?" Father asks, noticing my silence.

I clear my throat and nod. "Yeah, got it."

"So you told your girlfriend." This statement got my attention. He grunts, "Anyone else I need to worry about?"

"She's the only one," I swear. "She has only known for a couple days, but she won't tell anyone. I'll make sure of it."

"You better, because otherwise I'll have to get involved, and you and I both know you won't like how I handle things."

Behind My Reputation (Book One of the Reputation Series)Where stories live. Discover now