The Bayou

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Cosmo POV

Hayley and I sat, seeing as there isn't really anything else to do here. The walls, faded brick now looking grey. Wedged in between the various cracks, lit candles sat, their light flickering in the little wind. It feels like a freaking sauna. The lit candles in New Orleans, making the warm air in the bayou even warmer. I moved my shirt, hoping to get some cool air on me. A couple women walked in talking, they pulled Hayley aside for who knows what. I sighed, resting my back on a wall and sliding down, sitting on the ground. "But that's not possible!" Hayley yelled. I looked up, a bit startled by the noise. Hayley and the women then just started murmuring, obviously trying to keep whatever they were saying private.

A little while after they left, a girl I found to be 'Sophie' called us out of the bayou. Hallelujah. Hopefully it's cooler out there. I stood next to Hayley, standing in front of a brown haired man in a suit. His chocolate eyes locked on mine. "Who's she?" The man asked, his voice deep and slightly demanding. "We aren't sure, she was with Hayley when we got her." "You mean kidnapped." I corrected, glaring at the girl. She rolled her eyes. "What's your name, little one?" I glared slightly at the nickname before responding, "Cosmo. Hayley's my legal guardian." "Cosmo, really?" Sophie asked, scoffing. I rolled my eyes, "At least it isn't a overly common one like, I dunno, Sophie." I bit back. "You must be Hayley." The man stated, halting our arguing. "That I am."

The man ushered Hayley back into the bayou, wanting to talk with her. I stayed out in the graveyard, soaking in the cooling breeze. Sitting down on the pavement, I pulled myself into a 'crisscrossed' sitting position. Closing my eyes, I breathed in the cool night air. The man walked out of the bayou shortly after, seemingly deep in thought. Sophie pulled me up, pushing me back into the candle lit atmosphere holding Hayley. (A/n; sorry if that didn't make sense, I got tired of saying bayou) I groaned, sinking into the seat next to Hayley while eyeing the women watching us. "So did that guy have a name? Or am I just going to continue to call him 'that guy'?" I asked to no one in particular. "His name's Elijah. Elijah Mikealson." One of the women answered me, an edge to her voice, almost like she was nervous- scared even. I hummed in reply.

The man- Elijah walked back in the bayou, trailing behind him was a dirty blonde. Blue eyes, dark clothing, seemingly pissed. Hayley held up a hand, stopping the Sophie from speaking, she looked at her expectingly. "What?" She growled. Hayley whispered to one of the like 30 people. They nodded, grabbing my arm and leading me outside. I raised an eyebrow, not saying a word. Yelling was heard for the bayou, but much too disoriented for me to put together words. I sighed, sinking back to the pavement, wishing for this whole ordeal to just be over with. They yelling stopped, and out stomped the dirty blonde and a couple seconds later, Elijah ran after him. The women made no move of grabbing me, so I just continued to sit on the pavement, drawing random shapes with my finger.

I yawned, and magically, a car pulled up. I thought nothing of it, standing to go and read some of the headstones of those departed. About halfway through attempting to read one, Hayley grabbed my hand, "Hey, we gotta go with Elijah, he's gonna keep us safe, okay?" I nodded, "Sure." And with that, we got into a car, which drove off almost immediately.

629 words

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