Chapter one She actually noticed me

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I saw her before she saw me, she looked in need, sad, scared. I thought she was beautiful, in fact the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Then the voice in my head said to go over there! I started to sweat nervously, I have never had these feelings before. Then I finally got the courage to go over there and say something. But every bone in my body said your going to blow it. But I still went, I sat down next to her and said "I can't help but notice,you look kinda sad are you okay?" She looked up and wiped the tears off of her face and said "it's just my stupid boyfriend." I looked back at her and said "I knew it, as soon as I saw you I knew you were to beautiful to be single." She giggled "aww that's so sweet, by the way I'm harleen, but call me harley everyone does." She couldn't see me smile but boy did I! "Well hello miss harley, I am deadpool." She looked at me with that adorable smile of her's and stared at my mask and said "it's a pleasure."
I said "oh but the pleasure is mine." She smiled then she wondered what was behind my mask and I know that because well she told me... She said "hey, why does your beautiful face hide behind a mask?" I smiled and said " because my face isn't beautiful like yours." She gently took off my mask and stared at my face for a while. I got nervous, I didn't know what to do. So I said "I'm so sorry you had to see-."she stopped me before I finished and hugged me. She said "it doesn't matter how someone looks,it matters on their personality!" "And I am lucky that you have both,I mean you could be the ugliest person in the world but nothing would stop me for having a crush on you." I looked at her and said "wait you think I am cute?" She didn't even hesitate she said "of course, in fact I can go around the whole world saying that. I am not ashamed, unless you don't like me back?" I looked at her and said "no I don't like you, I think I love you." She seemed happy with what I said she looked at me for about 19 seconds and kissed me on the cheek. I felt like the happiest person on earth! For a few seconds at least.

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