The plan.

431 30 3

I have decided.

Type stood there, watching his enemy fade in darkness. He took his phone out and texted Techno:
I am coming to your house. Will be staying the night. We got something to work on.
He hired an uber and while waiting  for it, he called someone.

The person: Hello Type?
Type[angry]: What are we Tharn?
Tharn: Type where are-
Type: What.....are we Tharn?
Tharn: Type just listen t-
Type's hearts broke listening to that. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his heart ached so bad he couldn't take it.
Type[angry as hell]: Oh are we? Sorry I thought friend's don't kiss.
Tharn: Type no-
Type cut the call before Tharn could speak. Even though it was part of his plan and he was expecting this kind of answer, he was still hurt. He unlocked his phone and messaged Tharn:
Eat the food. Happy Birthday.
He switched it off and kept it in in jeans' pocket.  He clenched his chest where his heart was and cried more and more until he saw a puppy on the road. Type, forgetting everything went near the puppy and picked it up. He hurried back to the sidewalk. The puppy was so small it left him in complete awe. He petted the puppy which subsided the pain for the time being. Soon he saw a bitch that was looking at them but was too scared to come near. At the same time, his taxi came. He  left the puppy down and whispered goodbye as he kissed it on it's forehead. He sat in the taxi while the pup's mother came towards it and started licking it. He smiled and left for No's house.

2 hours at No's house
Type had told Techno that he liked Tharn in the first place. Today, seeing his best friend cry like this really broke No's heart. Type told him everything and how he challenged Pride that Tharn would love Type and said that he would need his help. Techno promised that he would help his friend but was startled when his friend told him the plan.
"I'm serious No. There's no other way. I have to do this." Type said in a serious tone and No was still in shock.
" There would be some other way Type. We need to think. Just give it some time."
"That's the whole fucking problem No. We don't have time. I'm sure he will break up with Tharn but I don't know when. He will leave Tharn broken and god knows what Tharn would do. It's now or never."
"Can't you simply tell him the truth?"
"I can but don't you think that would break his heart as well? It's better that he hates me than his boyfriend."
Techno took a deep breath. Yes, Type was right. What does love turn a human into?- he thought.
"But with him when he's drunk? Wouldn't that be too much?"
"That's the least I can do."
"Can't you simply kiss hi......oh! You two usually kiss."
"Hmmm and also, that Pride would know that all this is fake. He wouldn't break up with him for just a kiss and that is for sure."
"As you wish Type." No said while getting up from the bed Type was on, "But note this, you'll regret later."
"No I won't. Whatever I do, is for him." Type said. Even though he knew that he will. Techno huffed and left the room and Type pulled up his covers.
Whatever I do, is for you Tharn.


This morning, Type woke up at 6:33 a.m. He didnt sleep well but luckily it was a day off at college due to some occasion. He decided to execute the plan on Thursday, two days from today. I know you will hate me for this- he thought- but I'm left with no option. I'm sorry.

He pulled out his phone switched it on. He hadn't turned it on since last night and what he expected was right- Tharn had called him so many times and messaged him so much. A smile eventually came on his lips. Maybe he won't hate me too much- he thought.
Maybe, he wouldn't hate me at all if I tell him why I did this. Maybe then, we can be together and happy.
He didn't call Tharn but he did read the messages:
8:46 p.m.
Type please I'm sorry.
8:46 p.m.
I know I hurt you. Don't be sad na.
9:13 p.m.
Type I know you're hurt because I'm back with him. Bit I never broke up.
10:07 p.m.
I thought I would wait till morning when you come back. But I can't. I'm really worried. Where are you. Please reply.
12: 12 a.m.
Type I don't know if you're fine or not. Please don't keep me hanging. Please reply. Please call me.
2:47 a.m.
3:20 a.m.
Please. Are you okay.
4:45 a.m.
He did nothing wrong. He was just playing a prank. I can't leave him. Please understand.
5:56 a.m.
I love him Type. I am sorry. I can't leave him.
6:30 a.m.
Are you awake? Gm. Hope you slept well and hope you forgave me.

Type was crying subtly. Tharn didn't sleep all night. He was worried sick about him and he slept. (A./N.- My little Type literally saying he slept even though he didn't. This brakes my heart and oh! Tomorrow is my exam but my fujoshi heart don't want me to study. So I'm here for your fujoshi hearts. And mine as well. )
The latest message was on 6:30. That meant he was still online. Type quickly wrote a message that he had planned:
I will be back in in an hour or two and if I don't find you sleeping, you'll have to face my wrath. Sleep right now.


Tharn's eyes were all drowsy. But he didn't sleep. He kept on staring at the screen, hoping Type would reply and scared that he might be in trouble and message for some help. His eyes were  closing but he was trying his best to oppose it. They were about to close when his phone dinged. His eyes went wide open with happiness when he saw  a reply from him. He read it and chuckled. Soon he started crying. He was happy Type was alright and he was happy that Type understood him. Type knew he hadn't slept. Getting up from his study table, he went near the door and left it unlocked for Type. He then went on his bed slowly and slept right away.

And he dreamt of him and Type making love. And he really enjoyed it.

A./N.- Tharn gets a lot of deja vu dreams don't he?
But I wonder what would I write in tomorrow's exam.
What I wonder more is if you guys liked this chapter.
Thank you for reading my story. Please vote and comment and stay safe and healthy. And pardon the typos:)
I love y'all♡♡

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