Give yourself to me.

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Type: It should be today.
No: WHAT! Type have you gone nuts?
Type: No just understand.
No: Understand what? You are going crazy Type. Today? But Why?
Type: .........I dont know No. But I have this really strong feeling that we shouldn't delay it. Please. Help me.
No[sighs]: I am always there to help you Type. But are you prepared for this? Can you do it? Ask yourself. Can you?
Can I?- Type thought. Can I lose my virginity to save him? Can I bear some pain for him? Can I do it for my love?
I can.

Type: I can No. For him, I can. He needs help and I'm here to help him. Whether he hates me or loves me for doing this, i will do it. I don't care about my future. I care about him. Please help me.

No was shocked. This wasn't the Type he knew. He had always been helpful though, but this was so different. He would never go out the way to help someone. But here he is today. Ready to lose his purity just to help someone. Someone he loves. Even though there is very strong chance that the other would hate him. He's ready to accept the hatred to save him. No shook his head.
No: Alright. I'll be there at.....Hey you didn't tell me the time.
Type: Oh...uh...let's keep it 8 O' clock?
No: As you wish. I will be there. With Champ and Aom. And until then.....don't do anything you know. Don't get too close to him.
Type: I understand. Thank you No.
No: I just hope it goes well.
Type: Me too.....bye.
No: Bye.

Type cut the call and it would be a lie if he said he expected everything to be right. He was feeling something would to wrong.....but what?
He came out of his thoughts when Tharn opened the door. He smiled at Type and Type smiled back. Tharn showed him the plastic bag that had tom Kha kai packed in it. Tharn went towards the dining table and took his seat. Type joined him. They both were eating silently. Then Tharn spoke,"Why didn't you shower?"
"I? Uh...I...already showered at Techno's house."
"Well Thaaaaarn....."
Tharn looked at him.
"Are you free today?" Type asked. Tharn nodded and asked,"Why?"
"You know....Techno was very excited for your birthday. So was Aom and so was I. So we decided to celebrate it today. Here."
Tharn smiled and nodded," I would love that."
Type smiled," They will be here at 8:00 p.m. We'll have a lot of fun."
"It'll be just four of us?" Tharn asked and Type nodded. Tharn nodded and started eating again.
Later- Type thought- it'll be only the two of us.
And at the end, it would be just me....or maybe us.
"Then I'll bring stuff for preparation." Tharn said while getting up.
"You don't need to. Techno will get us everything."
"But.....shouldn't the treat be from my side? It was my birthday?"
"No. It's not a treat. We are celebrating your belated birthday. That's it."
"Are you sure?"
Type nodded,"I told him everything. He will get drinks and food. But if you want something more, then you can buy it."
"I'll see."
Type smiled and got up from the dining table," Lemme change now."
"Are you going somewhere?"
"Yes. To buy co- I mean, to buy you a gift."
"You don't need to." Tharn said
"How come I not? Of course I need to."
"But you already gave me the gift."
Type furrowed his brow,"When? What?"

Romantic Silence.....

They both were looking at each other. Eyes filled with love. Type took a deep, slow breath and leaned in while closing his eyes. Tharn did the same. They were inches apart when No's line ringed in his mind:
Don't get too close to him.
Type eyes widened and he fell back in his seat, breathing heavily. Tharn opened his eyes, and they widened. What was he about to do? He was about to cheat. He covered his mouth. Type, who saw that, tried to soothe him," Ai Tharn. It' don't need to be like was my fault. Jus-just ignore it. Think that nothing happened."
Tharn's condition worsened. Tears were welling up in his eyes. Type got up and went near him. He cupped Tharn's face but Tharn moved his head away from him. Type was hurt. But he understood that Tharn might be uncomfortable. So without saying a word he left the room, glancing at him before closing the door. Tharn just sat there in silence, still shocked of what he was about to do. He was about to cheat.
Pride had just played a prank on him. But he was about to cheat on him once again.
Soon he felt tears rising in his eyes. He was about to cry when a message popped up in his phone:
Tharn. Right now you need some space. That's why I left. Don't worry you were not doing anything wrong. I leaned in. Not your fault. Don't worry too much and don't cry. And yeah remember it's at 8:)

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