Chapter 9: Let the tear drop

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Scar's POV

Shane invited me over his house after school today, he told me he didn't want me too be alone no matter how much I tried to convince him I was fine but I found myself shoved in his car after school and practically kidnapped to his house.

I jumped out his car and took in the mansion, I had been here a few times before but only briefly, it seems quite different when your actually invited. Shane opened his door and took our bags out. I took a quick moment to take in every single detail about this place, there was nice grass along the stone path that led to the large white wish-wash doors. The place was built probley three stories high and had what I considered a classic style, you know if classic was extremely expensive like save every single penny you earn in life and times it by ten-billion, sort of expensive.

Shane took the lead moving towards the large door and I followed after him feeling a bit out of place, he stopped at the door and knocked.

The door swund open and a man with a suit eyed both Shane then I before stepping aside. Shane handed him the bags and the man took them to god knows where. Shane nodded his head to the door, gestering me to come in, I did as I was told or gestered in this case...

"Come on, I want you to meet somebody, he is the greatest." He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the staircase. "Dan!"

Seconds later a figure stood and the top of the stairs, he had brown eyes, dark hair and snakebite peircings. My mind raced in reconition and my heart pounded with so much fear I felt dizzy. It couldn't be, it's not possible. Then Shane said the unthinkable.

"Scar this is my Brother Dan."


I run as fast as my legs could possibley go, my eyes were filled with tears and my heart with self-pity. I pace down the oval through the tree's and climbed up my usal hiding tree. I hide behind the leaves in the top branch and close my eyes.

'It will all be over soon.' I tell myself. Then I hear footsteps and fear stikes my heart.

"It's okay Lucy, it's just me, I saw you running and I want to help you." I lift my head hopefully, after all I can trust him, he is my boyfriend after all I silently jump down the tree and peak my head around it.

"There you are." He jogs over to me and pulls me into a hug. I smile as his arms engulf me. I hear more footsteps and I freeze.

"We found her." I dig my face into his chest.

"No I did." He growles. His grip on me tightens and I feel safer."Now, back the hell off." After a few moments I lift my head to see they were gone and I step out from his arms to thank him but he talks first. "I'm sorry" He breathes and before I know it a few kids grab each of my limbs and hold me down. I kick and scream, bite and spit but I feel every hit, cut, bruise and tear.

I give up and look over to a figure wallking away. I hate you Dan.


Dan smiles at me. "Nice to meet you Scar."

Am I meant to pretend I didn't know him? He begins to walk down the stairs, one at a time. I refuse to say anything back even when Shane nudges me. When Dan reaches the end of the stairs he holds out his hand. I remember my screaming as if it were somebody else.'Please Dan help me please.'

I grab his hand but instead of shaking it I pull him closer and knee him in the nuts. He falls to the immeadiatly and I feel slightly better. He rolls over and Shane crouches next to him.

"Dan are you okay?" Shanes yelps and Dan makes a muffled sound. I can feel my face flowing with tears. "What the hell is wrong with you." Shane yells but his expression changes with just one look at me. Before I knew it I begun to scream.


"I KNOW!" Danny yells back. "What the fuck was I meant to do though? I AM sorry but I couldn't be the one to get pulled down just for YOU! I only dated you as a dare, so I couldn't be your prince, I'm so fucking sorry. I am so fucking sorry."

The first sorry was sarcastic but the second was geniune. But I don't care. I run out the door and onto the driveway only to realise I have no way to get home. I sit on the path and sob into my jeans. I absolutely hate drama, but right now I cannot help it.

I don't know how long I've been out here but it begins to get dark and I begin to get cold.

I hear footsteps and feel somebody next to me, then an arm swung around me and pulled me close. I glance up and see Shane sitting next to me with tears in his eyes, Dan must have explained things.

"I thought my brother was a hero, but he is just pathetic like the rest of them." He shakes his head.  "Don't worry Scar, you will never be alone or hurt again." He kissed me forehead and I feel safe, truly safe. But I know theres more to come.

Lemme know what you think! MadlingXOX

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