Chapter 1

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Every Rose Has it's Thorn:

Club Night:

Victoria was never one to be easy. But by little by little he dirtied her. She wondered if things would have happened the same way if she had known his identity that night, the night she met him. The lights were dim, the music was loud, the alcohol was flowing through everyone's veins, and her mind was lost. And he was there.

"I'm not even joking, my aunt got me this." Victoria showed the diamond necklace to Sungah through web cam.

"Whoa, how much did that cost?" Sungah asked, sitting on Ryeowook's bed.

"I have no idea, but isn't it awesome?" Victoria grinned. "You can send me my gift when I get myself over there. It takes forever to get across an entire ocean."

"I promise, I'll go shopping for you tomorrow." Sungah poked her screen. "You're on the plane now?"

"Yeah. You wouldn't believe how much stuff I had to get shipped over there before getting on this plane." Victoria took a sip of her drink. "I've been in this seat for ten hours straight, and I am dead."

"You can't die yet, you have a job to do when you get here." Sungah laughed, holding one of Ryeowook's pillows.

"Oh yeah, you're right." Victoria rubbed the side of her head, shutting her eyes. "I'm going to have to deal with five men that Korea likes to call, BigBang."

"So pretty soon you'll officially be G Dragon's stylist. You just have to survive the rest of the way here."

"Yeah. Wish me luck."

There was a time when she was innocent. A time where she wouldn't have even attempted to do the things she had done with him, or have the confidence she had when she was with him. But that changed when she met him. Him. Kwon Jiyong.

"Missy, I literally just got here. I'm incredibly jet lagged, and I don't even like clubs!" Victoria crashed on her new bed in the two bedroom apartment she'd now be sharing with her friend (and now co-worker), Missy.

"Come on. I don't wanna go pick up cute guys all alone." Missy whined, sitting next to her.

Missy was a pretty baby face with long platinum blonde hair, who just looked so sweet like apple pie. But she was not act how she appeared to be. Needles to say, she was well known back in Phoenix, Arizona.

"Is that all you've been doing the entire four months you've been here?" Victoria took out her pony tail, letting her bright cherry red hair fall past her shoulders.       

"No." Missy mumbled to herself. "I work too."

Victoria raised an eyebrow at her. "You didn't sleep with all the CEO's again did you?"

"Of course not!" Missy lied terribly. "You're so quick to judge me."

Victoria was too tired to care, and just buried her face in her pillow. "Just go clubbing by yourself. I wasn't interested in Phoenix, and I'm not any more interested here."

"Come on." Missy shook Victoria's shoulders. "Please, please, please, please, pretty please! It'll be fun!"

Victoria didn't fight her off but she did want sleep, and Missy obviously wasn't going to let her get that.

"Go. Away." Victoria's voice was muffled by the pillow.

"Victoria Light, if you don't come with me right now then I'm telling your parents you had sex with your boss in order to get the job offer to come over here."

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