Happy Story

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There was a girl who always smile and laughs with her friends like it was the end. A girl who is carefree and joyful but she hides a secret. A secret only she knows. When she got home she was not smiling and laughing anymore instead her smile turned into frowns and her laughs turned into sobs. Her parents didn't know cause they didn't care. When she was called to eat with them she only ate little and hurriedly went to her room making excuses that she have assignments to finished but they weren't any. Little did they know that she was crying and cursing everything around her, she started hurting herself to feel more pain until she became numb. She falls asleep with blood in her sheets and pajamas but when she wakes up she acts like it didn't happen and got herself ready for school. When she is already in school she transformed into a different person her smiles are so radiant that you couldn't  even notice the sadness in her eyes she approaches her friend like nothing happened. She didn't tell anyone her little secret that she is depressed and suffering from anxiety well she did tell her friends but all they did was laughed at her they didn't take it seriously. As for her parents? She tried to tell them but not in a direct way  her parents said that they were just trying to seek attention and should be admitted on a mental hospital. After what her parents said she never opted to tell them again or even try. The girl had no one and she is all alone fighting her battle and she doesn't know if she could win.   

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