The Underfell Kidnapping

697 27 18

Topic - What if Error kidnapped the Sans from Underfell instead of Underswap?   


Papyrus paced back and forth in front of king Asgore's throne, twitching in anger as both Asgore and Undyne had not made it to his meeting. He remembered distinctly telling them how urgent this was, as all the monsters in the underground were suddenly disappearing at random.

Well, they weren't exactly disappearing, they were dusting. Papyrus couldn't go anywhere without the constant smell of dust appearing everywhere he went. Luckily, it had not reached the throne room. Although Papyrus would have hated to admit that a trail of the sickening smell may have followed him in.

Suddenly, the smell of dust got stronger, even hints of blood could be detected. Papyrus quickly turned to face the entrance of the throne room, readying an attack just in case. He paused as a figure appeared at the large doorway, un-summoning the bone in his hand. "Sans?! What the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay at home you useless piece of garbage!" Papyrus yelled, somehow even more pissed off than before.

The figure began chuckling lowly, and Papyrus could see particles buzzing around them. He took a hesitant step back, blinking, but kept his poster. "...The hell is wrong with you? Get in here so that I can see your disgusting face!" He snarled.

" talk to your brother with that tone?" A bone chilling voice echoed within the throne room, static followed under each word, making Papyrus unsteady. This was not his brother. He summoned two blasters beside him, aiming at the figure.

"Who are you?!" He yelled, taking a threatening step forward. "Come out into the light now! The Great and terrible Papyrus demands it!"

There was a pause, the static getting louder as there was no other sound to counter it. Suddenly the figure took a step forward, and then another until they stood only a few feet away from Papyrus. A bead of sweat fell from Papyrus's skull upon seeing a glitching skeleton. They looked and had the same form as his brother, but upon actually seeing the skeleton, --if he could even call it that-- Papyrus could tell that they were nothing alike.

The glitching skeleton in front of him had a red sweater, much like Papyrus's brother, but that's as far as the similarities went. They had bones the color of charcoal and many different colors, along with blue running down their cheeks, similar to how tears would, and blood red bones going from their knees to their feet. Hanging from the skeletons golden fingertips were dark blue strings that stretched on into the darkness of the throne room. Their shoulders were tense... They grinned at Papyrus with an insane yellow smile, as if they were overjoyed with the other's expression.

"What's that look for? Are you scared?" The glitch chuckled, its smile growing with every word.

Papyrus hissed, quickly regaining his composure as he charged up his attacks. "You're not my brother, who the hell are you?" He snarled.

The Glitch smirked, gesturing towards the dust in the air. "Where do you think all this dust came from?"

"Wha-" Papyrus froze as realization swept through him, a shiver going down his spine. He clenched his fists as anger boiled from inside him. "...You did this?" He hissed.

"Ha! Straight to the point are we?" They laughed, taking a step back. "Yes, I killed them all. What are you going to do about it?"

Papyrus glared at them, not daring to tear his gaze away from their mismatched eye lights. "Are you going to kill me now too?"

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