The Machine

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Hey Guys! I've never wrote anything like this before, but I decided to do this. I hope to finsih this before school starts back up, but I don't know when I'll finish posting the whole thing.  Anyways, I wrote this to hopefully entertain somebody, so if you enjoy this, let me know! Anyways, here is my One Piece x My Hero Academia story. Enjoy!

Zoro sighed. After getting to a new island in the Grand Line for a quick stop for supplies, Zoro was stuck with Sanji so he wouldn't get lost. Even though he didn't have to do anything, the last thing he wanted was to be stuck with that chatty cook. Zoro watched as he looked at the food in the local farmers market, picking up fish and looking them over. Sanji looked over his shoulder to make sure the green haired man was still with him, and Zoro shot a glare in return. Sanji went back to looking at food, and Zoro looked at the clouds. Maybe I can get away from him for a minute... Zoro thought, looking over to Sanji. Noticing he was talking to the seller of the meat about something, Zoro backed up slowly and silently before slipping into the crowd on his own.

Zoro walked around, wandering the streets. He managed to avoid all of the crew except Luffy, who had been shoving meat into his mouth and only waved in response to Zoro's passing. At least it was Luffy, he wouldn't be in too much trouble until he got back to the ship. Zoro let his thoughts wonder and continued to walk, enjoying the scenery of the peaceful town. Only when rain set in did Zoro realize he was in a dark alley and had no idea where he was.

"Damn. I should have stuck with that curly-eyed cook." Zoro grumbled, when he noticed an odd purple light coming from a side alley. Peaking around the corner, he saw nothing except an odd device. It looked like a tunnel that was radiating electric purple sparks. Curious, Zoro approached it, and propped a sword on his thumb. He had no idea who had set this up, but nobody appeared to be around. As his curiosity peaked, he drew closer and closer to the tunnel, going inside almost without noticing. Then the ground fell out from under him, and Zoro felt an electric jolt go through his body.

He was falling, going up, down, left and right, diagonal, and Zoro didn't know where he was. He grabbed onto his Swords to prevent them from being carried away by the strong things pulling at them- Currents, perhaps, or winds? He didn't know, nothing made sense anymore. Then, FInally, Zoro saw a light, and was pushed out by a current wind thing towards it.

He stumbled onto cold, hard ground, and the sunlight was almost blinding compared to the varying light intensity of the purple tunnel. He noticed he was on dirt and grass. He checked to make sure both his swords were there. But he couldn't tell. He was numb all over. He collapsed on the ground, completely out of strength. Had the purple tunnel sucked it all up? More questions he didn't know the answers to. Zoro tried to stand up, but collapsed, weaker than he's ever been before. As the edges of his vision began to fade to black, he thought quickly, in desperation, Damn, I should have stuck with that curly eyed cook. Where am I now?

So? Did you like it? I know this was short, but they get better, I promise! I hope you enjoyed!

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