School Lockdown

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AN: Hey guys! So, I know this story is kind of fast paced-ish and also kind of confusing, it begins to make more sense as time goes on, and peices kind of fall into place. I have to set the pieces up first. That's the hardest part, but I have a plan for this, I promise! Just... Let me know what you think! This is my first time writing a One Piece or a My Hero Academia story, so I'm trying (I know it's probably bad lol) but let me knwo on what I could imrpove in the comments! :)

Bakugou sat quietly, listening to Aizawa talking to the class about proper directions for handing over a villain to the police.

"Remember, the villain may escape if you don't use proper gear to secure them. Make sure the police know thier quirk and the damage they have caused. Now, open your textbooks to page 217. Read pages 217-257 for today's assignment. I'm going to take a nap now, wake me if anything important happens." Aizawa said, crawling into his yellow cocoon bag.

Bakugou dug in his backpack, pulling out the yellow textbook and flipping to the correct page and the rest of the class did the same. As they found their pages, the class was silent, except for the occasional rustle of a page turning and Midoriya's mumblings. Suddenly, their silence was interrupted by the sound of an alarm and shutters closing around the doors and windows. The students looked up, as Principal Nezu came over the loudspeaker.

"Attention Students and Staff, we are currently in a lockdown scenario. Please refrain from going into the halls or exiting the classrooms for any reason until more is known about the current situation." He said, and the alarm continued to go off. Ilda was waking Aizawa, who quickly unzipped his sleeping bags.

"Okay, class. Put on your Hero suits and wait for further instructions. We may be allowed to go outside as a hero course to help deal with the situation, whatever that is." Aizawa said. The students quickly changed into their costumes in the locker rooms that were connected to their room (1). After the students changed, they sat fiddling with pencils, reading the textbook, or just watching the loudspeaker, door, windows, Aizawa and their students. Except for Midoriya. He was muttering possible scenarios for what was going on outside, head in his hands, looking down. Suddenly, the loudspeaker came on again.

"All hero classes, please report to the front gate." Principal Nezu said. Then the loudspeaker clicked off again.

"Okay. We go single file, shortest in the back, tallest in the front. I'll lead." Aiawa said. The students began to line up in front of the pro hero, Shoji right behind and Mineta bringing up the rear. As the automatic shutters room to their classroom opened, they went outside, noticing other classes coming out from other doors in their hero gear. All Might, Recovery Girl, Principal Nezu and some other pro heroes were at the scene.

"Stay here." Aizawa told Shoji, walking up to Nezu. They chatted quietly, then Aizawa returned.

"It looks like a man suddenly appeared and fell unconscious. Recovery Girl can't do anything to help him until he wakes up. He appears to be quirkless, so I can't do too much to help. He had three swords, so they took them away. We are all submitting our best plans to wake him up safely without causing harm to anyone. Anybody got an idea?" Aizawa asked as the students listened to him brief them.

"Midoriya?" Aizawa said, staring past the rest of the class to him, waving his hand slightly.

"Sero could tie him up with his tape so he could escape. Momo could also create handcuffs, just in case. People with loud or bright quirks, like Aoyama's navel laser and Bakugou's Explosion? Could activate their quirks to wake him up." Midoriya muttered, blushing.

"Okay, that could work. Bakugou's quirk would probably work better, so Bakugou and Momo, come forward. Momo, make us some handcuffs, and I'll explain what we're doing to the pros. Bakugou watched Aizawa talk as Momo made handcuffs.

"So. You think this'll work?" He asked her. She looked at him, shocked. He was never nice to her, or anyone.

"Not for sure. It may take a trigger word rather than a large noise to wake a man, depending on what level of uncosoiucness he's in. He could just be in a deep sleep for all we know, in which case a noise might not wake him." Momo replied. Bakugou looked away to see Aizawa walking back towards them.

Momo placed the handcuffs on the man's hands on his back, and on the man's feet, so he couldn't escape. Then, everybody stood back. It was just Bakugou close to the stranger. Raising his hand high, he pulled the trigger in his gauntlet, letting out a loud explosion. Then, all was silent. Everybody watched the man, waiting for a reaction. He didn't move.

It may take a trigger word... He had three swords... The words rang in Bakugou's head. And before, he could even process what he was doing, his mouth moved on his own.

"I am a better swordmaster than you." Bakugou quickly muttered, just loud enough for the stranger to hear. His eyes flickered, and his finger twitched.

1. I know that they don't actually have locker rooms attached to their classroom in the show, but UA is high tech, so we're saying they have a staircase down to a separate pair below for the sake of plot.

Okay! So, chapter 2. I don't knwo when I'll release chapter 3, but I will do it Thirsday next week at the latest. Let me know what you guys think! I'm hoping you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it. :) I promise, all the pieces will fall into place soon enough. Stay safe, I know Covid-19 is still a thing right now. Bye for now! (:

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