But we did love each other

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Hope's POV:
       "What?" I ask stunned. "Hope." I hear a voice behind me that I know all too well. "Landon." I say turning to face him. "Can we talk." He sounds like he's in a hurry. "Well-"


       "Ok." We walk out to the front of the school. "Josie and I broke up last week at the dance I only went with her after I kissed you cause I was confused, I saw you and Lizzie stumble into her room drunk so I figured I would wait till the next day when you were sober but then you thought I was still with Josie. I've been trying to tell you but everytime I try something comes up so I just needed to finally get it out."

       I stand there for a minute processing. "W-Why do I need to know this?" I ask not wanting to get my hopes up. He lightly chuckles and kisses me. I smile into the kiss. "Wait." I say breaking it. "What?" He asks panicked.

       I should tell him everything, if he wants to be with me he should know everything.

       "There's some things you should know before you do this, you should know the truth." I bite my lip not knowing how he'll react.

       "And the truth is I love you. And this is not the first time I've told you this." I state.

       Oh shit he looks scared. "Follow me." I take his hand and lead him to the library, Lizzie and Kaleb and the only ones in there. "Hey Liz can we have a minute." I say giving her a look. "Listen Mystic High you-" "We'll come back later." Lizzie says cutting off Kaleband dragging him out. "What are we doing?" Landon asks still confused which is understandable. "Here it is." I say pulling out a book labeled, "The Originals." With the Mikaelson Crest on the front. "That." Landon says pointing to the Crest.

       "I've been seeing that everytime I die." He says even more confused if possible. "Recognize it?" I ask showing him my necklace.

       "What is that?" He asks touching it. "Remember what they teach in history class? About the first vampires?" I ask smiling remembering my family.

       "Yeah, they were ruthless killers without humanity. Nicholas was an asshole with anger issues, Rebekah was a slut, what's his name was a liar, Finn was a bore, Freya was a big question mark, and Kol was a man whore. What about them?"

       "That is from one very biased opinion. The truth is the Mikaelsons did have humanity, and they stood together for 1,000 years." I saying looking at the book.

       "How do you know that?" I look at him, "because my name is Hope Mikaelson. Kol is my Uncle who's happily married. Freya is my aunt who's also happily married with a son. Rebekah is my aunt who's planning her wedding. Elijah was my uncle, he was always a man of his word and died to be with the love of his life. And Niklaus was my dad, he would move the world to save our family and he sacrificed himself three years ago to save my life." I say sadly.

       Landon's at a loss for words. "Wait, I'm so confused."

        "My Grandma was a witch, my Dad was a vampire-wolf hybrid and my mom was Hayley Marshall, Alpha to the crescent wolves and was also a hybrid. Making me all three, the tribrid." I smile.

       "Crescent? That's how you turned Raf back." He figures out. "Yep."

       "A wolf, a witch, and a vampires created Malivore. And that was his loophole, I jumped in before summer." I say slowly.

       "Wait, I knew you?" He slightly smiles. "Since we were 14. You served me milkshakes." I smile remembering how awkward we used to be.

       "Peanut butter blast whipped cream on the bottom." He sighs. "Yep."

       "And when Raf turned for the first time, Dr. Saltzman and I went to get him and that's when we brought you too. And a lot happened, you kissed me, I tried to kill you, I thought you were dead, but we did love each other." I say slowly.

I want to start a different story but I hate authors that don't finish so I might write a few more chapters but then I'll be moving on.
Sorry for taking so long! My mom just had a baby, online school was kicking my ass, rn I'm on vacation, I've just been really busy!

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