The Future is Ours

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Kenny never understood why Craig liked hanging out at his house. That is if you could even call it a house at this point. It was in such a state of disrepair that the town would've slapped a condemned sign on it years ago if it had given a shit about Kenny's family. It didn't, so they continued to live there, Kenny hoping that when it did finally crumble to the ground, the family wouldn't actually be inside.

Cracks, drafty windows, and mold aside, Craig often insisted that the two of them hang there. It was even weirder when he suggested they have a sleepover at Kenny's place. Kenny's room was poorly insulated and the carpeting on the floors was more of a suggestion. Kenny always tried to explain to Craig why it was a much better idea to have sleepovers at his house where there was, you know, heat. Craig would always respond the same way, with a monotone nope and a hard walk towards the shitty part of town. To be fair, Craig always brought supplies with him, namely a bunch of thick warm blankets and some fluffy pillows. It made things in Kenny's room a little better for the night. Having Craig's presence at all in Kenny's room made things better.

They were lying on the floor together in a mess of blankets and pillows listening to Dark Side of the Moon on Craig's phone. It wasn't as loud as they would have liked because it was late and Kenny's parents had finally quieted down. They had been having a screaming match for about an hour earlier on, after getting completely wasted of course. They must have finally passed out somewhere. The two teens didn't want to risk waking them up and lose the precious calm that was rare in the McCormick household.

"Clyde didn't even see it coming. I love the guy, but he's not always the brightest person." Craig smirked as he lazily tossed a baseball in the air.

"Yeah, but he's like the sweetest person in our class full of assholes," Kenny replied. "Don't tell him I said that, though. I don't need him showing up at lunch again crying because he's so happy."

Craig chuckled. "He so would, too. I promise not to tell him."

Kenny sighed and rolled onto his back, placing his hands behind his head. The two of them relaxed in silence for a few minutes, letting the music wash over them.

"Hey Craig?" Kenny began.


"Do you ever think about the future?"

"I'm into space and sci-fi stuff, dude, so yes."

"Nah, I don't mean like that. I mean the future, like, the next few years. Life after graduation. That sort of shit."

"I have. It's not too exciting."

"Try me," Kenny answered.

"Uh, well on my eighteenth birthday, I wanna go get a tattoo."

"Yeah? That's pretty fucking cool. I want one, too, but I won't be able to afford it for a long ass time." He rolled onto his side to face Craig, propping his head up on his hand. "What would you get? Ooh, and where would you get it? Some place naughty?" He grinned and stuck his tongue out between his teeth, hoping for a juicy response.

"I'd get a tattoo of Stripe right here." Craig pointed to the spot under his left collarbone. "So that she's always near my heart." His lips curved gently into a smile.

"That's really nice. I like it."

"And I'd get a tattoo that says 'Gay as fuck' right above my dick."

"WHAT? Fucking A, dude!"

"I'm just kidding. Even if it's true, I wouldn't get it tattooed on me. That's fucking dumb."

The Future is Ours [South Park - Crenny (Craig x Kenny)]Where stories live. Discover now