Chapter 3

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I stared out of the window at the huge houses we were passing, the further we seemed to drive the bigger they got. I couldn't imagine living in a house as big as these, they were mansions and I live in a tiny 2 bed-roomed apartment in a run-down area. I could hear Randy next to me on the phone, I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying but he sounded angry.

"Sorry about that." He said to me as he put down the phone.

"Don't worry about it, is everything ok?" I asked hoping he didn't think I was being intrusive.

"Yeah, everything is fine, it's just my wife has decided to go out with her friends again tonight." He sighed.

"Oh, so she's not going to be there tonight?" I asked.

"No, not tonight. She will probably get back tomorrow afternoon." He said.

I thought that was strange, I mean her husband comes home for a few weeks every couple of months and she doesn't want to spend time with him. I know if he was my husband I would make the most out of seeing him.

We pulled up outside a set of two huge iron gates and the driver wound down his window and pressed the button on the intercom. A small camera turned towards the car and moments later the gates opened. We drove up a long gravel driveway lined with perfectly trimmed hedges either side, all of sudden a huge mansion came into view and it took my breath away.

"Is this where you live?!" I choked out.

"Yes" He laughed as we got closer to the house.

His house was beautiful, it was a huge white building with at least 15 windows on the front of the house alone. Out the front were huge flower gardens and a spectacular water fountain. The driveway was full of beautiful expensive cars like Mercedes, BMW's, Range Rovers, Land Rovers, Roles Royce's, Lamborghini's. The entrance was two huge double glass doors with white columns either side.

"I take it your home isn't like this?" He asked.

"No, not at all. Your house is beautiful!" I said with wide eyes.

We got out of the car and headed up the steps towards the front door; he took his key out and unlocked it and pushed the door open motioning for me to go inside.

"Thank you." I said as he held the door open for me.

I walked in to a huge entrance hall with a crystal chandelier about the size of small car hanging from the ceiling. I gasped at the beauty of the marble floors and the huge double staircase that led up to the second floor. I turned slowly to take it all in; I have never seen any house like this before.

"Do you want a tour?"

"Yea sure." I said excitedly. "If your entrance hall looks this amazing then I can't wait to see the rest."

As he led me around his ridiculously huge house I couldn't help but feel like he was bored.

"So how many people live here? You, your wife, children, family?" I asked

"No, it's just my wife and I. A few staff live in the guest house round back." He replied.

"Wow, this is a really big house for only 2 people." I said honestly.

He looked at me plainly and turned to walk out of the room. I followed him down the corridor and I heard him let out a sigh.

"It's ok, you don't have to show me anymore, your house is very beautiful but maybe we should start getting things ready for when your guests arrive." I suggested.

He turned around with a small smile on his face and walked down the stairs with me following at a distance behind him.

"Right, what do you need me to do then?" I said as I rubbed my hands together as we walked into his large white modern kitchen.

"Right, there's beer in the fridge; could you bring it out by the pool and put them in the ice boxes already out there? Also there are snacks in the cupboard, just bring them out and put them on the table, don't worry about putting them into bowls or anything." He said as he started pulling wine bottles out of the fridge.

"Ok, I'm on it." I smiled.

I got the beers out the fridge and carried as many as I could out to the pool and placed them in the ice boxes. I made about 8 beer trips so there should be plenty as I filled up 5 ice boxes. I grabbed all different varieties of snacks and placed them on the huge poolside table as randy placed the wine on the table with a few wine glasses.

"Who drinks wine then?" I asked puzzled.

"The guys are bringing their assistants too, well only 2 guys have assistants but the wine is for you and them." He shrugged.

"Oh right, so girls only drink wine right?" I said putting my hands on my hips. "Are girls not allowed a beer when they are in your house?" I tapped my foot on the ground.

He laughed and slumped down in one of the chairs.

"Of course you are princess; you can drink whatever you want. But I'd recommend staying away from the tequila, we don't want you choking and crying again." He laughed.

"Oh ha ha ha." I replied sarcastically as I sat opposite him.

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