Not one bit

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Okay I had been getting lots of requests and my irl freind persuaded me and so here it is! The long awaited Second chappie!
I don't own PJO!

Hazel P.O.V

After the restraint trip, we headed back to camp. My face was still warm from earlier, and so I focused on the small things. The tree. My shoe. The group of teenagers comig towards us. Wait..what?

The group waved at us, expecting us to wave back. I gave them a hesitant smile. Who were they? I shot Piper a confused glance, and she returned the look too.

Annabeth stopped walking in front of us as the group made their way to us.
"Hey Annie!" The first one said as they stood before us. He was tall, with bright red hair and his adam apple bobbed up and down as he spoke.

Annabeth just gave him a confused look, before her face brightened up. "Paul?" She asked, and gave him a big hug when he nodded.

"Took you long enough to figure it out! And who are your freinds here?" He asked Annabeth, before changing his gaze to me and Piper.

"Oh! This here is Piper and Hazel!" Annabeth introduced us, and we gave him a wave in response.

I noticed the way Paul's eyes lingered at me longer, and fidgeted uncomfortably. His green eyes were very if I could get lost in them...

"...Isn't that right, Hazel?" Annabeth said, looking at me in answer.

"Huh? W-What?" I stammered.

"Annabeth here was just saying how you are the daughter of Pluto and all.." Piper inserted for her.

"Yeah...wait what?" I asked, looking at them incredulously. What are they doing, revealing us as demigods?

"Oh, don't worry, my dear, I too am a demigod., " Paul flashed his pearly white teeth at me, " a son of Aphrodite, to be exact"

Son of Aphrodite? Maybe that's why he's so....charming...

After we shook hands with the other demigods, and introduced ourselves ; we decided to all walk to camp together. My mind was mixed up in places I didn't know could be mixed up, but...that's just part of being a demigod..right?

Frank P.O.V

I watched as the girls and the new group shook hands and walked together towards camp. I also watched how the red head stood a little too close to Hazel. And I didn't like it...not one bit.

OOOOH SOMEONES JEELLY!!!! XDD was it? I initially wanted the first chapter as a one shot, but with all the death threats (joke) telling me to update, here it is! Leave a vote and comment and the third chapter will be hear in no time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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