The great dime chase

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Louie was on the couch while y/n was about to go with scrooge to his company.Scrooge noticed Louie on the couch.

Louie:Ugh this show is so dumb

Scrooge and y/n went to him.

Y/n:You could always turn off the Tv(Scrooge says it but says telly so I changed it up a bit)

Louie:The remote's way over there.

Louie grunts as he tried to get the remote that is only few feet away from him.

Louie:Oh,forget it.

Scrooge:any big plans today?

Louie:*Yawn's* thought I'd move to the big TV in a few hours You know..

Louie burps then opens another pep and drinks it.

Louie:Hey, do we have anymore pep?

Y/n:You got six full cans right here.

Louie:I only like the first sip.Peak carbonation. Never mind I'll call beakley.*gets phone* Oh,Man my phone's dead.Guess I gotta buy a new one.

Scrooge and y/n:Just charge it!

Louie:Eh, this ones three months old anyway.Who care's! we're rich!

Y/n:No,Scrooge is rich.

Scrooge:Thats's it Laddie. You are coming to the office with me and your girlfriend to learn the value of hard day's work.

Y/n had to drag him by hand.(As in you grabbed his hand and dragged him)

Louie:Y/n! please let me go! I love you!

Y/n:Love ya too but your coming with us you lazy bum.


Y/n:Theres a pep machine there~

Louie:Okay maybe...

Y/n:Good enough.

Y/n put Louie in the limo.

Webby:Wait! Me and Dewey wanna come!

Y/n:Uh sure?


they all got in waiting for scrooge.

Louie:Why do I have to go?

Y/n:Like what Scrooge said Lou

Louie pouts at y/n.

Y/n:Did you just-

Louie:Yea I thought it might make you to let me go inside the house.

Y/n chuckled and kissed his cheek.

Scrooge finally came in and they all left.

Launchpad was driving crazy until they got there.He crashed into the wall.

Launchpad:You have arrived at your destination.

Louie groans as his head was dizzy, y/n was gonna throw up of car sickness,Webby and Dewey arms hurt while scrooge was fine.

Scrooge:be back by 6 Launchpad we've got a long,hard day of work ahead of us.

Louie grumbles as he didn't wanna be here. y/n head was dizzy and buries her head on Louie's shoulder.

Launchpad:Gotcha Mr. Mc

Dewey:Thanks for letting us tag along y/n and uncle scrooge but I suddenly very much have to use the bathroom.

Webby:Oh,and I will show you where to go to that place.

Y/n knew something was up.Y/n puts her head up and Louie was gonna try and escape but Scrooge saw.

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