"Hey Feather,"

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You were going to work, scared of how people are going to deal with you. You weren't a social person, you were a 'background character,' in everyones eyes. You worked at,'Hawks hero agency'.

"Hey Y/N, how are you this morning," one of the workers says to you just said 'good' and 'fake' smiled and walked away.

"Hey feather," A familiar voice said, you turned around to see, Hawks. He was there looking down at you, you just smiled in a response.

"So, you are good this mornin' Feather, well that's great to hear," Hawks spoke while looking around on you're desk. He always called you 'his elegant little feather,' and you don't know why but, you got used to it, quickly. You started looking at you're files that you are working on. They were huge and were bigger then anybody else's in the agency. Hawks just watched you from across the room. He always did that when you weren't looking.

You had finished the day. Everyone said,'bye' to you and hawks hugged you from the behind before you left. You got home and made some food.

Fat. Ugly. Slut. Gross. Worthless. Useless. FuckUp. Bipolar mess. Toy. Used.

Those words just flew around you're head until you ran upstairs into you're bathroom. You locked yourself in. No turning back now. You 'deserved' this. But you really didn't, you need Love and Affection, not this. You cried at the pain you were making. You made so many new scars on you're body that were probably never gonna leave you're body.

You heard a knock at the front door, you hid all you're cuts and went downstairs and opened the door to find, Hawks.

"Hey Feather," He said happily and he had he signature smile on. You were shocked and just hopped it was a short visit.

"Hey Hawks, how can I help you," you said that in a soft tone of voice. You listened to what he had to say and let him in. He usually only stayed for 30 minutes or so but today was different. He stayed for 2 hours and helped you cook. When he left you threw up all you're food ad cried until there was no tears left to cry.

{Hawks x suicidal reader} "stop it feather!"Where stories live. Discover now