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Ok you guys are probably wondering why i am not uploading well thats because, my sister commited suicide and my dad and mom divorced. My froend is currently getting severely bullied to the point she is in severe depression. I almost lost my fight agains suicide but i didnt! I cant even go in the kitchen without supervision because of my tics and my tourettes and my suicidal tendencies. My lover tori she came out to her mom and dad as nonbinary and pansexual, her mom licked her out the house to live with her two aunties while her dad is on a work trip and doesnt know. My ex also sexually harrassed me so i dont eat but i try to. I came out to my paresnt as nonbinary and pansexual also but mine were ok but they said its a fase. You guys didnt need to read this but if you did, THANK YOU! I needed to let out my emotions, thats all.

{Hawks x suicidal reader} "stop it feather!"Where stories live. Discover now