"Take your time to explain,"

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You woke up. You were in hawks house, you could see his dierty bond hair on your shoulder. You smiled, you had completely forgotten about last night. You gently settled hawks haed on the big fluffy pillow and then tried to get of the big bed.

You went to get food until your insecurities flow over your fragile body. You went to find a big hoodie of hawks and some of his shorts. You didnt have any of your clothes here. You went to the bathroom to get dressed. You then grabbed your phone and went to the living room. You smiled at all the cute texts that the agency sent you.

Arms wrapped around your body, "hey babybird," keigos croaky and deep voice flowed through you body, making you terribly flustered. "Hey big-boy," you said, leaning your head backwards to give him a kiss. He smiled and kissed back. He then went to go get dressed, he was free today.

He came back out, top off and joggers on, his wet hair dripping down him. "Keigo! Put a top on!" You squealed, flustered. "Oh shush, you've seen more~," you were about smack him when he jumped on the sofa.

You two fell asleep, you woke up in 1 hour.

He woke up, wanting answers of why you were so, traumatised. "Babybird, why are you traumatised?", "o-oh- i-im not!", "take your time to explain,"

{Hawks x suicidal reader} "stop it feather!"Where stories live. Discover now