Chapter 15: Late Nights

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Levi's POV

"M-Maybe we shouldn't have stayed overnight at the castle..." Hanji said with a yawn, but continued trying to go at a fast pace on the horse. "T-The twins- oh dear... Levi, I'm worried for them."

I chuckled softly, having my horse trot close to her. "It's fine, Hanji... you're being a true mother..." I smiled, looking towards the sunrise. It was slightly rising above the hills- I could see the castle just a few minutes away. Seconds if we galloped there. "Come on, it's fine. Let's hurry back so you can relieve your anxiety."

Hanji nodded her head, kicking into her horse and beginning to gallop away. I followed after her- but I knew I couldn't keep up with her. After all, her maternal intuitions were kicking in.

*   *   *

Bursting through the door, Hanji frantically looked for the twins- but she seemed to have calmed down. Her eyes settled down onto the clump of young adults on the ground- just snoring away. I saw exactly what she saw- Armin and Mikasa curled up with the twins by their sides. Eren was off to the side, but staying close to the twins. The others were scattered around, but close to the twins. Hell... they even put pillows around the twins to ensure they wouldn't hurt themselves. 

"Happy now, Hanji?" I asked in a quiet tone as I walked up to her. "The twins are safe. You worried too much."

"That's because you're a father and I'm the mother." She says, reaching over the kids to reach her babies. "They sleep so soundly... I wonder how much sleep they got..."

My eyes rolled a bit as I leaned against the wall. When I gazed at Hanji, she was frozen in place. I don't know if she wanted to disturb either the brats or the twins... but she just stared down at them. They were... quiet... still... peaceful. After all these years... we finally get the peace and quiet we wanted. The action dying down- the world is safer without those titans anymore. We're no longer enemies.

"C-Commander...?" I tilted my head to see Armin slowly opening his blue eyes. His arm around Jay tightened just a bit as he woke up to see Hanji hovering over him. "C-Commander... you're back...?"

"Hopefully you took care of the twins?" I asked as Armin began to give Jay back to us. "Though... they are obviously not in their cribs in their rooms- passed out down here? What happened?"

Armin gave a yawn once Jay was safely in Hanji's arms. A rub over his eyes and then he was able to speak. "Well... we had to soothe their crying- and they wouldn't stop their crying when we put them in their beds. We were all getting tired... and the others passed out before us. They were quiet when Mikasa and I were holding them. We hoped for them to completely fall asleep so we can put them into their cribs but... I can't remember anything past that..."

I reached over Mikasa, grabbing Raven from her- Raven didn't even wake up from that.

"Sorry Commander Hanji and Captain Levi... we tried our best."

Hanji chuckled softly, kissing Jay's forehead with love and care. "I understand- it's alright. Don't blame yourself, Armin. You did well. I don't see any cuts or bruises on Jay- so they weren't harmed. They're still alive, so you guys kept your eyes on them. Oh- and pillows all around? Safety precautions. On my list... you guys were good babysitters. Fed them dinner?"

"Of course."

"Then, we're good. Hopefully you guys wouldn't mind babysitting them again?"

Armin waved his hand as he gave a gentle smile. "I definitely wouldn't mind... but the others... I'm not exactly sure..."

Raven was continuously sleeping in my arms- motionless. "Next time- no messes. If I go through the dining hall and see it raided and unclean, I would probably ensure none of you guys get any meals tonight. I mean it-"

"Levi doesn't mean it. Ignore him." Hanji had cut me off from speaking anything further. She smiled softly, stepping away from the brats' mess. "Levi, leave them be. You know more than them about the twins. They were just exhausted and didn't have time to clean up. Unlike you, they don't willingly stay up and sleep for a few chosen hours."

Once more, my eyes were rolling as I took Raven away from the mess. I haven't had the time to continue on with my project... but maybe tonight... I'll get the brats to help me. Maybe one of them to watch with Hanji with the twins. But for now- my lips are sealed.

*   *   *

"Brats, get up." I called to them sternly. Finally, Raven and Jay were at rest as Hanji was asleep just a mere hours ago. "Help me with this project- we'll be working all night tonight. The full moon will be out- so we don't need to worry too much about less light. Plus, it's better to work in the coolness of the night than the burning sun, right?"

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