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"Mommy I'm tired, I want to go back home." The little girl whined. They had been walking in the dark for about an hour already, her feet started throbbing in her shoes.

"You know what will happen if we go back sweetie, just hold on a little longer." Her mother said.

The girl thought about her home, where her daddy was sleeping now. She didn't want to go back, she was scared of him. He was always angry at her, she didn't understand why. She decided to just listen to her mom and hold on a little longer.

They came across a gas station on the side of a road and went inside the small convenience store. She wondered around as her mom was grabbing some cheap food off of the shelves . After her mom payed they walked back into the dark night. A car had arrived at the station, it seemed familiar to her but she couldn't point it out in the sheer moonlight.

Her mom was busy checking the receipts, not noticing the car. They walked to the side of the gas station where they could visit the restroom.

"You can go to potty real quick and mommy will wait outside okay baby?" Her mom said. She nodded and got inside of the public restroom area. She locked the door and jumped on the toilet seat.

She was minding her own business as she heard a faint scream from outside. She was startled but was too scared to go investigate immediatly. After flushing the toilet and washing her hands she peeked her head through the door.

To her surprise her mom was nowhere to be seen, along with the car she saw earlier. She panicked and started frantically calling out for her mom.

"Mommy where are you! Mommy!" Tears formed in her big eyes as she kept searching for her mom. She was trailing further and further away from the gas station and found herself losing track of direction.

After searching and crying for what felt like hours, she crawled up on a park bench and cried herself to sleep.

Minji shot up from her slumber. Her eyes were red and her pillow was drenched in sweat. She calmed herself down until her breathing became stable again.

This had been happening a lot lately, ever since she started her job as an assistent. She felt the memories prickling in the back of her mind, more vivid than they had been the past few years.

It had been almost two weeks since she was hired at Hyunjin's company. She felt like she shouldn't have anything to complain about, she was working as hard as possible and even though the tasks she received were sometimes overwhelming, it was manageable.

However, there was something about Hyunjin. After the first day she met him, she just couldn't get him out of her mind. Yes, he was obviously an attractive young man but that didn't seem like the main source of her problem. She felt compelled to him in some kind of way, his aura was just so powerfull, it attracted her like a magnet.

She wasn't planning on developing romantic feelings for her boss by any means, but she couldn't help but stare into his glittering pupils, bottomless and opaque. It kind of confused her too, she had never felt something like this yet it made her feel nostalgic. His gaze left her feeling vulnerable, while also soothing her in some way.

She hopped off of her bed, straight to the bathroom where she stared at her own reflection. The girl in her reflection never changed; short black hair, tired eyes and slightly tinted full lips. Although her eyes were glazed with a hint of concern, concern for the nearby future.

She recalled the day she fainted right infront of the exit of the now very familiar building. Those weird calls hadn't occured since then, which she was very glad about. She was still on edge though, it certainly didn't leave her mind.

She rushed through her morning routine and plastered some good-to-go make up on her smooth skin. She quickly got out of her apartment complex, about the right time because the bus had just arrived.

After getting off of the bus she made her way over to the other side of the road, where the tall building took place. She smiled at the lady in the front desk and made her way to the cafeteria, where she brewed Hyunjin's go-to coffee, an americano with one cube of sugar.

After placing that on his desk she quickly arranged the messy pile of files on said desk and waited patiently for him to arrive.

The office door swung open revealing the tall man she was waiting for. She quickly bowed to him and pulled out her Ipad.

"Mr.Hwang the schedule for today is pretty tight, the demo for the upcoming project is due to today and you have a meeting with a few chinese ambassadors at 1pm. After that there are plenty of articles waiting for your approval and a presentation of the new advertisement program at 4pm. Lastly you are expected at a dinner party, to celebrate the 50 year existence of a brother company at 7pm." She read off of her Ipad. Hyunjin audibly sighed.

"Send someone from the department of international business as my spokes person to the meeting with the ambassadors but make sure not to send mr.Seo, he takes work related toppics way too personal." He said. Minji quickly took notes and was about to leave the room when mr.Hwang called her again.

"Wait, you said dinner party at 7 right?" He said. She turned around on her heels staring into her Ipad.

"Yes, 7pm at the new michelin restaurant nearby." She said innocently, still focussing on the bright screen of the Ipad.

A moment of silence occured, making Minji look up at her boss. He was staring at her directly, like he was planning to say something but holding back a little. She felt that similar vulnerability under his gaze. She was becoming visibly uneasy as she began fumbling with the Ipad case.

Hyunjin took a small breath and parted his plump lips, making them linger for a second before speaking

"Make sure you dress well for tonight, you are coming along as my date."

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