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'After 5 years of investigating, the case of Kang Jinah has finally been solved. The 30 year old Kang Jinah was found dead next to a gas station after being brutally beaten by her husband, Lee Dongjun. After further investigation it has been clear that abuse had been going on for a long time in the family. Lee Dongjun killed her after she tried to runaway with their 5 year old daughter. But due to lack of proof and a lot of time being passed, Lee Dongjun only got a surprising 10 years of prison time. Their daughter has still not been found.'

The girl sniffled as she quietly  watched the TV inside of a convenience store. A picture of her mom and dad were displayed on the screen. 

"Let's go sweetie." A woman said. She turned around to see the familiar face of an old woman. She grabbed her hand and followed her to the park they called home.

After being left alone at the age of 5 she was found by this lovely old homeless woman, who then took her in care and has been by her side ever since. She was a mother figure for the little girl, their relationship was just like a regular mother and daughters love for each other.

The police had been searching for the little girl. She was always on edge, scared that the police would get her. After the old lady took her in care she felt safe with her, even though they lived on the streets. If the police would get her she would most likely be send to one of her dad's sisters who she was absolutely frightened of.

"Nana, do you think my mom would be looking for me if she was alive?" She asked the lady, who she was used to calling nana.

"Ofcourse, she loved you a lot and still loves you. She always protects you from above, from heaven." Nana said, reassuring the girl.

Suddenly nana had a coughing fit, and dropped to her knees, trying to get some air. The girl immediatly kneeled next to her in panick.

"Nana! Are you okay? Do you want me to get some water? Nana please answer me!" She held the wrinkled hand of the woman and squeezed. After a while nana stopped coughing and slowly got up again. She sadly smiled at the girl.

"It's okay sweetie, how about we go to our little hideout real quick, so I can rest." The girl nodded furiously and lead their way to the back of the park, where they walked behind the bushes to eventually find the dirty rug and hard cussions they called hideout.

Nana immediatly layed down and was caught in another coughing fit.

"How about you go get some water from the fountain for me, I will wait for you okay baby? Remember nana loves you okay?" The lady said as she tried to blink away the tears that were forming in her eyes. The girl quickly got up and ran to the fountain.

She had been very sick for a while now, but always tried to hide it from the girl. She knew it wouldn't take long for her to leave the surface of the earth and she was worried sick about what would happen to the little girl. She stared into the sky above her, feeling a tear slide from the side of her eye, dissapearing into her grey hair. She used her last breath to pray for the safety of the girl as her vision got dark.

"Earth to Minji, can you hear me?" Hyunjin's voice struck through her imagination as he waved his hands infront of her face.

So now she was even imagining her boss kissing her, great.

She quickly collected herself and answered him.

"I'm sorry I-I think I spaced out a bit, what were you saying mr.Hwang?" She muttered out, smacking her head internally for embarrassing herself yet again.

"My blazer, you still haven't returned it." He repeated, his hand still holding her wrist tightly.

"Oh ofcourse, I-I totally forgot about that. Give me a second please I will be right back."

She dashed up the stairs of her apartment complex as fast as she could and grabbed said blazer out of her closet.

She stepped back into the breezy night. Hyunjin was patiently waiting for her while resting his body onto his car nonchalantly. He was so graceful and delicate, there was absolutely no flaw visible on the man. Breath taking, to say the least.

She handed him the neatly folded blazer as she was busy avoiding eye contact with him.

"Thank you." He said. The fact that she was avoiding eye contact didn't go unnoticed by him. It made his lips curl into the tiniest little smirk.

"N-no problem, I'll go now have a save ride mr.Hwang bye!" She rapidly blurted out, already walking away from him.

Hyunjin stood there, waiting for her to get inside of the building as he sighed. He then opened the car door and hopped inside. This is what he had planned all along and it was working in his favor, but he still felt like something was off. There was something going on but he just couldn't pinpoint what. He shook his head and started the engine.

Minji heard the car drive away loudly as she just entered her apartment. Dropping her purse she let herself fall down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She didn't know how to feel, or what to feel. She always had a reason to feel embarrassed or nervous around him, but for some reason it didn't feel bad. She shook her head physically to make her thoughts vanish.

As she was about to get up and get ready for bed her phone rang. It was the unknown caller again. That was unusual, he had already called her that day. It made her heart drop in fear but her gut feeling told her to just pick up.

"Hello, can the person calling me please identify? This is becoming quite annoying." She said sternly. The voice spoke.

"Be carefull with who you trust, not everyone has good intentions." The male said. She heard her phone beeping into her ear, he hung up.

A chill ran down her spine as the voice became more and more recognizable everytime he called.

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