Book Store

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After Arwin and Latte got married they would usually go out together a lot. Latte wanted to go shopping to buy some books so Arwin went with her. Latte was looking at the Bimor books while Arwin was looking around not searching for anything in particular. Due to Arwin's extreme beauty, he caught everyone's attention in the store. While Latte was busy looking for books a beautiful young lady approached Arwin and asked him to go on a date with her.

 Arwin declined her offer and made it clear that he wasn't interested in anything that has to do with her. But the lady didn't give up so Arwin pointed at Latte and said "She is my wife, so just shut up and leave me alone"

The young lady looked at Latte and then left.

A couple of moments later and the store owner approaches Arwin and said "I heard you were married sir and I think I might have the right thing for you." The man handed Arwin a book that had Love Making Tips written on the cover. Then the man left while smiling.

Latte finished and went to see what Arwin is doing.

"I just finished, is there anything that you are going to buy?"Latte asked.

Arwin wasn't paying attention so he didn't see Latte approaching him but when he did he quickly hid the book behind him.

"What's that in your hand?"Latte asked curiously.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!"Arwin said.

Latte was surprised to see Arwin this flustered.

"We should go check out dear fairy," Arwin said.

"Yeah... Let's go" Latte replied.

Arwin made sure to look the other way so Latte won't see how red his face is.

They finished checking out and went back to the magic tower.

And the Love Making Tips book was hidden by Arwin in his office so no one can find it.

Author's Note:

I apologize for taking so long to update again, I wasn't feeling well for a while. But I hope that you guys enjoyed this update.😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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