Chapter 1- Living with a Dad

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"Time to get up," I hear the raspy voice coming from my father whisper to me as he sheds the layer of my comforter away from my body as I can soon feel the warm sunlight tickle my skin and try to seep through my eyes to wake me up.

But I'm just not ready to get up, so instead role over onto my right side to face away from the now burning light. Although the peace doesn't last long when I hear my father's voice say, " You wouldn't want me to get the water bucket, would you?" He knows it's enough to get me out of bed and get ready for the day ahead.

I jump off my bed and dash out of my room to get away from my dad and the water bucket, knowing that he never jokes about it. I quickly run to the bathroom across the hall from my bedroom and strip down getting ready to do my morning routine, which includes first taking a shower.

I take the first step into my shower and let the warm water heat one leg to make sure it won't burn skin off. After a few seconds of letting the water trickle down my leg I let the other step into the shower and let myself step back as the hot water fall down my back. But I know I can't take to long in the shower otherwise the comforting heat will disappear. So quickly get out my favorite shampoo and scrub it into my hair and then let it rinse out, I also do the same thing with conditioner. Then I do a few other things, like shaving and enveloping my skin in some soap before rinsing it off and stepping out of the shower while drying by long dark brown hair that will soon turn into natural beach waves.

After I'm dried off, I wrap a towel around my body and brush my teeth before going back to my room to pick an outfit out for the day. There isn't much to choose from since we just started doing the laundry last night. But it makes it easier knowing that I only have a few choices to decide from. I end up just choosing a plain white t-shirt and some faded jeans to go with it. I then put on my galaxy converses and pick up my backpack ready to head out and start the day.

I then run down the hallway and into the small kitchen and pick up an apple from our fridge and sit at our mini bar, that takes the place of a table, and wait for the clock to turn 7:35 so I can run out our front door and make sure I don't miss the bus.

As I start to get down to the core of my apple I can hear the heavy footsteps coming from behind me. I look behind myself to find my dad standing in the middle of the hallway with a black suit on and a face of complete shock to compliment it.

"Is that really what you are going to wear to your first day of school?" he asks me. Since my mom has left my dad had to step up to the plate and play the role of both parents meaning he had to ask me all the girly questions. This included any outfit choices, dating choices, sexual choices.

"Amelia?" I hear my dads voice say," I thought you would want to wear something nice to school for the first day? Or has that changed since I went to school?"

No, it hasn't changed dad. I just don't think it is that big of a deal. It's not like anyone special is going to see me, including mom.

Of course I didn't say that. It would have broken his heart if he heard me say anything like that. My mom has always had a soft spot in my dad's heart. It didn't matter that she left us, he still loved her. And he could prove it, because ever since she left my dad has never dated anyone. I don't even think there has been a hookup.

So instead of responding harshly to my father, I instead say," It's just another day. All that is different is that it's the first day of school this year. Besides, I have only gotten a little laundry done, so I didn't have much to choose from."

I can see my dad is not to happy but he is trying not to show. He'd be doing a good job with anyone else, but I have lived with him for sixteen years. He can't hide anything from me.

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