07- Inedible Nail Polish

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Violet POV

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Violet POV

"Klaus? Why did you have to wake me up?" I asked.

We were on the road to Louisiana and had been so for about an hour. The only reason I had known how much time had passed was from seeing the car clock. I had been sleeping in the car and wouldn't have known this if I hadn't remembered the time we left.

"Because it's been an hour already of you sleeping and Morgan will kill us all if she's not entertained enough and will fall asleep on the wheel." Klaus said.

"Hey! I'm right here!"

"So you're awake enough to speak but not enough to drive correctly?" Klaus sharply noted.

"You should be thankful and nice for letting y'all come for free. Morgan is a perfectly fine driver." Angie defended.

"If she's such a good driver, she should have been able to doge that squirrel." Duncan blankly replied with his gaze still fixed in the outside.

"Did you kill a squirrel?" I asked.

"Oh cut me some slack, it was only severely injured. It'll be fine." Morgan said.

"Squirrel's Lives matter." Angie said.

"I thought you were on my side!"

"I can be on your side and also support squirrels." Angie said.

"What if squirrels controlled us all in a simulation? We don't really die of old age, it's the squirrels mad that we aren't feeding them enough. That's why old people are always feeding animals like them." Duncan said creating a new conspiracy theory.

"Can you not talk so loud Duncan? Same for the rest of you. Also stop moving so much Duncan. I'm trying to sleep here." Isadora said groggily.

"So I let you sleep on my shoulder which I don't even shove off or complain to the others about and THIS is the thanks I get?" Duncan replied.

"She gets to sleep and I don't? This feels unfair." I say.

"If you want to take a nap longer than an hour at this time of the day, you won't be able to sleep tonight." Klaus said.

"You should do what Klaus said, Isadora. That way you'll be able to sleep tonight and my shoulder will no longer hurt like hell! It's a win-win for all of us." Duncan said.

"Let's be honest here for a moment. Had anyone in this car seen me sleep during normal night hours?" Isadora said.

No one responded to this, not even Duncan.

"Now, who here had seen me awake during typical night hours when we're supposed to be asleep. Most likely writing something."

We all muttered different variations of a yes.

"I rest my case."

"Well my non sleeping at regular hours sister, if you're going to sleep I'm not letting you use my shoulder as a pillow. If you're so desperate use Klaus's." Duncan said.

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