Chapter 1

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It was gray like every morning, with thick fog that clung to the ground and rainy skies that seemed to never clear. Dawn in Morden had very little appeal and the days that passed in the city of Corvale were as bleak as they were dirty. Grime and soot lay heavy on every surface and if any resident of the city didn't have a hacking cough it would be a surprise.

Corvale's streets bustled with movement, already so early in the morning, with people scurrying this way and that. Carriages and carts made their way to the center square of the city, where tolling bells from the God's temple signaled the start of the day. Citizens gathered, young and old, clamoring for work while carriages lined the square ready to take them to the city's textile mills, forges or mines. The youngest of workers readied themselves in line for the carriages to the coal mines, where little bodies and hands fit best.

At the middle of all this hustle and bustle was a girl of roughly fourteen, searching diligently for something in the ever-increasing crowd. Her eyes darted wildly before coming upon her target, finally spotting what she was searching for.

Piper hurried her way through the sea of bodies, and as she closed the distance, she waved and shouted, "Lona!"

Lona turned her head quickly to greet the sound, her copper locks flying wildly. Waving back from her vantage point at the square's center fountain she called, "Piper! Come over here!" Piper fought through the wave of people and finally made it to the center of the square, out of breath.

Lona motioned the younger girl over and they both sat at the fountain's basin, which had just enough room to sit.

With a relieved sigh Piper plopped down, "I almost----," she paused, her voice raspy with her labored breathing, "--didn't see you." Piper finished uneasily.

"I brought breakfast." Piper said, producing a small item wrapped in linen from her coat's pocket. Unwrapping it she revealed a small bit of bread and cheese. Lona shook her head, folding the cloth back over the food, "Save it for yourself Piper, I'll be alright." The girl nodded, placing the food back into her pocket without a fuss.

Lona gave Piper a concerned look, "Your still breathing isn't better." Piper, like many people in the city, suffered from chronic illness due to the lack of fresh air.

"I'm okay, it'll clear up soon." Piper said through a barely restrained cough before changing the subject, "What are you doing today Lona? Searching for another job? You left the house so early today." She asked inquisitively before adjusting herself into a more comfortable position on their concrete seat.

Lona fidgeted with her necklace before shaking her head, "I'm going to try at least." She answered as she twirled the tiny vial-like silver charm between her fingers, its little gem twinkling in the light.

"Just don't go back to thieving, you almost got caught last time. Mama would be so mad!" Piper warned with a look of worry plain on her face.

"I won't, I'm not!" Lona exclaimed, "I know Aunty Aida wouldn't like it." and then she said, "I was going to try the docks again."

Piper gave Lona a skeptical look, "Didn't they say no before 'cause you're a girl?"

Lona quickly stood and gestured to her outfit, "I have a plan this time, see? I even cut my hair." Pointing to her cropped locks.

"...I guess." Said Piper dubiously. Another bell started ringing, this time from carriages going to the wet market where Piper worked. "I've got to go, see you later Lona - When you're done Mama said to meet her at the temple! I'll meet you there!" She shouted as she ran back to the carriages, halfway there she turned and exclaimed, "Good luck!" with a wave goodbye.

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