02 - The Contract

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Taehyung kept walking, arriving at the bus stop. He stood there, not bothering to sit down. Due to his excitement, he couldn't stand still either. 

"Finally, I made it!" 

He had been trying to get into Seoul University, one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul. He knew he wouldn't be able to afford the tuition fees, so he worked hard and got the full scholarship on his second trial. He always wanted to study computer engineering, and now he was on his way towards his dreams. It felt like a dream.

When the first bus arrived, he lingered his eyes on the seats, realizing none of them were empty.

He was playing with his fingers when his bus arrived. He carefully stepped in, going towards the empty seat he had spotted before he paid for the bus. Luckily, the bus wasn't as crowded as the one he saw before.

After sitting down, he turned around to take his bag off his back, his eyes stopping for a moment on the short-haired girl next to him. She seemed to be fast asleep, her head going in all directions to find the right place to land on. He couldn't see her face, since her hair was all over it. He shrugged, taking his book out of his bag.

Just as he was enjoying the read, he felt a subtle weight on his shoulder. Turning to his right, he saw the girl's head on his shoulder.

"She will get very embarrassed," he thought to himself. "maybe I should let her sleep." 

But with that, he remembered the words of Ms. Kim:

"Don't ever interact with people for more than 10 minutes, that's for your and their sake." 

Sighing, he carefully took the girl's head into his right hand. Taking the jacket on her lap with his other hand, he folded it on his lap, making a small pillow for her. He got up slowly and placed the jacket on his now empty seat. As he slowly laid her head down, he saw a small tattoo on the side of her neck, near her jawline. 

It was a sparrow. 

He brushed it off, like he does all the time, and walked a bit away from her, now standing. 

He didn't want to interact with anyone, therefore he kept standing until they arrived at the university. 

He immediately got off the bus and headed to where his major was being taught. 


Ms. Kim had important guests.

She looked at the man sitting before her, legs crossed.

The CEO of DDAENG INC., Mr. Goo Jisung.

The famous night club that lost it's original owners in a car accident 10 years ago.

His manager spoke before Ms. Kim could react.

"As you can see from the contract, we want to sponsor your orphanage. What do you think, Ms. Kim?"

She uneasily stared at the papers in front of her and straightened her back. "And?"

The manager seemed to be confused at her expression.

"What do you mean, and?"

Ms. Kim let out a small insincere chuckle, making the CEO raise one of his brows. He stayed quiet, eager to hear what this old woman was about to say.

"I'm pretty sure you get what I mean, sir. What do you want in return? I may seem too old-fashioned for this type of stuff, but everyone knows that this world is a matter of give-and-take." She continued with a stern face.

"So, what do you want in return? I will listen to your offer. However, don't expect me to trade my orphanage for a piece of paper."

The manager seemed perplexed. As he was about to speak, the CEO raised his hand, silencing him in an instant. Ms. Kim's pupils dilated towards him, waiting for him to talk.

He chuckled, mischievously, and looked her in the eyes.

"What do you think you could offer us, madame?"

With that, her back stiffened.

"I'm not planning to offer you anything."

He nodded, slowly.

"That's what I thought, however, are you sure that's not because you can't possibly offer us anything? With what you got in here, I don't think you're the one to challenge us, businessmen, huh?"

Her eyes stopped on the vase on the table. She wanted to shout, yell, and break the vase on his head. But she had to hold it in.

"It's for Taehyung," she thought to herself, "for Tae."

Instead, she nodded slightly.

"Alright then, Mr. Goo. If this is purely out of goodwill, we're more than willing to accept your offer."

He smiled, but it seemed more like a smirk to Ms. Kim. She wanted them to leave as soon as possible.

After signing the papers quickly, she showed them the exit.

"Have a nice day, Ms. Kim." the manager stated when Mr. Goo just got up and left. She sighed heavily as soon as they closed the door behind them, her mind swirling with thoughts.

"Tae won't like this, not at all."

Suddenly, the sight of the little kid with his bloody hand came into her mind.


He had passed out after panting for a while, with the broken glass in his little hand.

She had rushed towards him, carrying him back to the bed and treating his wound immediately. 

After putting him on some more medication, she had cleaned her office.

When she was done, she turned around to check the little kid's state.

Seeing him awake, eyeing her, she got worried that he might harm himself again.

However to her surprise, this time she saw a pair of puppy eyes, examining her movements carefully.

There was no trace of hatred, nor anger in them. Instead, he looked like a lost puppy, scared and as innocent.

He looked like a completely different person.

With all the experience coming from her career, she was quite sure of her instant diagnosis now.

Dissociative Identity Disorder.


hi hi, i hope youre enjoying the story so far. let me know if you have any comments, they mean more than the votes tbh, lol. thank you!

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