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I pray I find hope,
When I'm finally tied in white robe,
To sojourn to the world beyond,
Where my body and spirit shall bond.

I pray I find peace,
In the heart of lamenters crying for me.
Would they understand my decisions?
To switch off my spirit from breathing depression?

I pray I find hope,
In momma's sobbing soul.
I hope she finds  resilience,
From my unseen existence.

I hope Dad is comforted,
From his sinking cargo he does imported.
For that's all he cares about,
Leaving me to sort life out.

I hope they find laughter,
When they get to read my chapter(s).
My deeds and ambition,
I hope in their hearts it stays strong.

For this is my lamentation,
As I sojourn to the world beyond.
To recreate my creation,
As I gently sojourn!

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