The Girl in Black

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It was a dark, moonless night. There are clouds covering the sky, and you can barely see out into the woods. You had been trying to sleep for hours, but you've had no luck. Finally, you decide to peek out your window to check if the fog is lifted. Suddenly, just outside your window, you see a glimpse of a beautiful young girl. She's dressed in a long, black, flowing dress, and she has pale, almost white skin. Her hair is the same shade as her dress, making it nearly impossible to tell where her hair ended and her dress began. She beckons for you to come join her outside. Almost in a trance, you do. You get up out of your bed, and wander outside, slowly, following her lead. You don't even stop to slip on your shoes, as you walk farther down the path, and she leads you deeper into the woods. You feel nothing but an extreme sense of bliss, even as the forest itself seems to get in your way. You're dimly aware that you have gone so deep into these woods that you wouldn't be able to get out if you tried. You didn't bring anything with you, afterall. Suddenly, you snap back to reality, and fear takes over. You are standing on the edge of a cliff, the girl in black standing right behind you. She smiles and whispers "No one will find you," as she pushes you over the edge, into thin air. You watch as she dissipates into thin air, and then, right before you hit the ground, you see dead and decaying bodies of previous victims at the bottom of the ravine. They rose up to greet you, as the last thing you ever saw…

Years later, they still haven't found your body. But don't worry. By now, it's probably buried under more recent victims of the girl in black...

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