The Stranger Boy

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"Will you come to my birthday party?" You asked them all with the excitement and joy that only a seven, almost eight-year-old could. 

They all said yes, a picnic and a day outside sounded like so much fun! The day comes, and everyone shows up, bringing all sorts of gifts. You're having fun showing off your new baby sister, she's two, and your older brother, he's ten. Your parents finally get everything ready, and they bring you and all your friends into the open fields behind your house. It's all open out there. Just huge, wide open spaces of grass, flowers, and dirt. Your parents brought a huge picnic, complete with cake. On the walk out to the picnic site, your brother tells you and all your friends this story. 
"If you're out walking in the fields beyond the picnic site, you have to be wary of the stranger boy. He comes and joins groups of people who wander beyond that picnic site, and leads them to his lair, where he eats them!"
You and most of your friends don't really believe him. After all, it's just a story, right? Once you get to the picnic spot, you and a bunch of your other friends decide to go out walking past the picnic site. Your parents allow it, but tell you to stay close to each other, and not to go too far. You all agree, and begin to wander off. Your brother and baby sister stay behind with your parents and some of the kids who decide not to explore. You've been walking for only a little bit, when you hear a whisper behind you. You turn, and a small boy stares up at you and says "I'm lost. Will you please help me get home? I think it's that way," He points off in the direction opposite of your parents. You decide to help him, and most of your friends agree. A few of them comment about the story your brother told earlier, and decide to go back. You wave goodbye, and turn to follow the little boy, as he wanders aimlessly through the tall grass. He turns and smiles at you, before saying, "Look! Can you see it? Can you see it?" You look, and it seems to be a small house in the distance. He starts running, and you and your friends try to keep up as well as you can, until you trip, and fall into a previously hidden cave. A cave full of bones that have been licked clean. The small boy smiles at you again, but this time, he looks more predatory than before. You scream, as he stands up, seeming to grow, and grabs a knife out of nowhere. He smiles as he kills your friends, one by one, as you watch and continue screaming. He saves you for last, but not for long before everything goes dark in your eyes too.

Your parents heard the screams, but even the police who scoured the area couldn't find traces of you or the kids that went with you. It made the news, with conspiracy theories, and plenty of discussion on what could have happened.

A few years later, your parents, your brother, and your sister went out alone, to continue the search, to try and find you. They met a little boy, who said he knew where you were. They followed him willingly into his cave,  where they saw the last of your friends, perfectly preserved, and waiting to be eaten. Your parents, your sister, and your brother's bones all joined with yours. Together. Forever.

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