Don't stay out after dark

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You and your friend were going on a trip to your uncle's farm. He had a huge farm, with huge fields of wheat and corn. Your mom drops you both off this morning with clothes packed to stay the whole week. You and your friend are excited. You've always enjoyed your uncle's stories, and he makes a point to bring small gifts every time he comes to visit. Your mom makes you and your friend promise to behave, and then drives off. Your uncle comes outside, and greets you both. "Now, we have some rules on this farm," he said sternly, "and if you don't follow them, who knows what could happen to you. I just want you to be safe, alright?"
You both nod, and he continues talking.
"You'll have to help out some around the farm. I live alone, so you're on your own for the chores around the house. Make your beds, wash your dishes, keep your room clean. Don't play around on the farm equipment without me there, I don't want you two getting hurt. And always be back in the house, in your room, with the door locked, and the window closed by sunset. There are no exceptions  to the last rule, got it?"
"We understand," you say together, before your friend looks at you and rolls his eyes. Neither of you really want to follow the last rule, but you figure for tonight you might as well. You and your friend run around all day, chasing each other through the corn, up and down the hills, and through the trees. Too soon, it's supper time, and your uncle calls you in. You eat, and head to bed, exhausted from such a long day. 
In the middle of the night, you wake up to hear strange noises coming from outside your window. You are about to go find your uncle, when you hear the creaking noise of something big wandering through the house. Shivering with fear, you stay in your bed, and try to fall back asleep. In the morning, you ask your friend if he heard anything in the night. He nods, and with a spark of mischief in his eyes, says, "Let's investigate tonight!" You reluctantly agree, curious, but scared. 
After you eat breakfast, wash the dishes, and make your beds, your uncle takes you and your friend outside, and begins to teach about farming. Pretty quickly, you get bored, and run off. So you have another day of playing outside. After supper this night, instead of getting into your pajamas and going to bed like you're supposed to, you and your friend stay in your normal clothes, and sneak out through the window, just as the sun dips low in the sky. It seems like a perfectly normal night. You and your friend wander around the farm for a while, as it gets darker and darker. Finally, the last rays of sunshine disappear, and you are plunged into a black, moonless night. Not even the stars are visible, despite the sky being perfectly clear. Your friend attempts to turn on the flashlight he brought, but it doesn't work, no matter how many times he tries. You begin to panic when everything seems to go still around you. Absolute silence. And then… "HA! I FIXED IT!" Your friend shouts, pointing the bright light at you when his face pales, and he drops the flashlight. "What is that?" He says, terror obvious, even in the dark. You slowly turn around to see something behind you. It's so black that it's obviously not a trick of the light. It's eyes flicker, glowing a bright white before fading into a red that is the shade of old, dried blood. It grins at you, its teeth miraculously white. Your friend begins to run away from it, towards the house. You follow, trying to get away from the monster. You somehow find the house, and burst inside. Sitting at the table, with a single light on, is your uncle. He looks cruelly at you before smiling in the same way as the monster. "You disobeyed me," He hisses, and stands up. "You're on your own now." His eyes are the same shade of red as the monsters, and he starts to stretch and change as you watch in horror. He slowly limps toward you, his footsteps making the creaking noise you had heard the night before. You can hear your friend scream, as he's grabbed by the creature that was once your uncle. You run. You run through the trees, where you narrowly avoid more of the monsters. You run through the fields, where you finally stop. You can't keep running all night. You collapse in the field of corn, convinced that you're safe for a moment. You lay down on your back, only to find that you're surrounded by these monsters of all shapes and sizes, but they all have one characteristic in common. Their eyes are all the color of old, dried blood. And as they descend on you, their eyes glow white. 

At the end of the week when your mom comes to get you, she finds your friend's mutilated body in the kitchen, and you are nowhere to be found. She calls the police immediately, and they search for days, and slowly find pieces of you spread across the farm. Your uncle is nowhere to be found, and slowly, people forget about the tragedy that happened in that place. But to this day, nothing grows in that field where you collapsed, and never got back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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