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the classic high school couple of shoto and momo. everyone wanted to have that, they were iconic to say the least. both strong willed and powerful they made a great hero duo, but behind the scenes? that was a whole different story. unaware of it himself, shoto began to bare a strong resemblance to the person whom he hated the most, enji todoroki. momo had to go through this all alone, dealing with his outbursts after his affectionate acts made the name half and half even more fitting. what was worse was the fact that he only showed this side when the two were alone, momo felt that even if she told anyone no one would believe her. no one even knew about the horrendous acts endeavor caused for his whole family, especially his wife. as momo continued through this lifestyle she became accustomed to the pain, arguing she would turn into a stronger hero but letting the pain be numbed. but even as strong as she was her breaking point was near. the only one who helped her was izuku midoriya. one of the best friends of shoto in their high school career. after walking out on one of his rages she found herself in the park near their house, coincidentally deku was making rounds in that neighborhood. he was confused as to her tears, why wasn't sho comforting his fiancé? being the good friend he was he when up to the broken woman to find her covered in scars due to the fact she didn't have enough time to cover up them. shocked with his finding he almost left them and there to beat some sense into the man who he called his friend but momo immediately grabbed onto his wrist to stop him. scared to ruin all three of their reputations she begged izuku to do nothing. even more blown away he stayed silent for a second before pulling her into his arms, this human connection that she had been lacking for months now was appreciated. momo then began to use him as her emotional support, she would cry on him or even just sit next to him in his embrace. they would talk for hours on end before izuku built up the courage to as momo to finally leave the man whom had been hurting her all this time. she was stunned at his words but being the rational person she truly was she saw the benefits of leaving the relationship, that was when she had learned of her feelings for izu. the only man who had helped her through this thought time. she was beyond fearful of what he might say to her once she had said the last words but izuku comforted her by telling her that he would be there to hold her hand and help her though this tough time. it was after those words were said that she had agreed to the proposal, to leave todoroki.

fearful of his reaction she carefully stepped into his office in the left wing of the estate. taking a deep breath she knocked on the door only receiving an annoyed grunt prompting her to push the door open. as soon as she saw the icy hot glare over in her direction her brain seemed to stop working, she stood there frozen until she felt a slight nudge from midoriya. looking over at him she regained her composure and walked over to her more than confused financé. taking another deep breath she began to explain to him that she was tired of how he had been treating her the past few months and decided to call off the engagement, she also explained how izuku had been there to support her though all of this and even told both of them about her real feelings towards him leaving both of them stunned. and finally she began to say her final words to shoto,

"i will always love you sho, but now i love him more. thank you for your kindness but the past can't be changed. what can be is the future, be better for whoever comes into your life next, even if it's not me."

with those words she put her hand into izuku's and walked out of the office and out of the house. after they arrived to the car she glanced over to her friend and potential new boyfriend giving him a soft smile.

"thank you for doing that with me, it really meant a lot to me." she giggled "also sorry for just admitting my feeling for you right there, it's okay if you don't feel the same i understand"

he looked at her shocked

"how could i not love you momo? you're beautiful, kind, and i've been standing but you for the past six months to help you though this whole thing." he exclaimed "you have no idea how much i love you!"

her eyes glisned with joy, her smile widening

"then let's get going before he tries to find us." she said half joking half serious

if i'm being honest i haven't read this since i've written it so sorry if there are a lot of errors. i also felt bad making shoto to be the bad guy but he had the perfect backstory, i also don't think midoriya and yayaorozu would make a good couple but here we are...

qts | oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon