The Meeting

69 4 0

Third Person

Beca Mitchell sits alone, staring out of the window with her headphones on. She has one of her Spotify playlists playing in an attempt to drown out the sounds of her fellow peers singing, mumbling, and chattering around her in the confined space. Her short fingers drum gently on the side of her chair to the subtle backgrounded beat of the song currently playing. The vibe inside the van is upbeat and pleasant. Some of the young adults spend their time talking all sorts; from football to what drinks, they are going to be smuggling onto the retreat grounds for a planned party out in the woods. A few of the other students sit in huddles as they scroll through their phones, keeping up to date with all of the latest campus drama.

However, the petite girl sat alone doesn't have the energy for any of it. Whether that be conversation, drama, or well... people. It was possibly even a mix of all three. Beca had moved to have her head rested gently against the glass of the window. She sits watching the vans surroundings whilst hoping for this trip to come to a quick end, or course it just had to be compulsory. All she wanted to do was turn around and go home to her dorm room, her sweet cosy beloved dorm room. Despite having to share with a not so pleasant Kimmy Jinn, the brunette had somehow been able to make the room her home. Afterall, it easily beat living in the same house as her father and 'step-monster'. Don't get the wrong impression, sharing a dorm with Kimmy Jinn is the worst hell imaginable for Beca. But after all, at least her mix gear is there. On this trip, all the aspiring DJ has is her headphones, phone, and ears.

A short while later the sound of crunching wheels against rough gravel can be heard as their blue, white, and silver decorated Van comes to a stop. Soon the University Students are rushing to get up and out of the van, to get a breath of fresh air after being cooped up in the van for just a little over 4 hours. Beca however, opts to stay seated as everyone else barges and struggles against one another, in an attempt to get out as if frantic animals. She simply takes her headphones off, before carefully storing 'her precious' away in her backpack. The brunette lets out a quiet sigh as she tries to muster up the courage to exit the van.

Another two Vans pull up only a few seconds later. One of which is coloured with intricate red, yellow, and orange flames that grow quite impressively up the side of the silver van. As the van pulls up, the windows open up almost immediately. It seems as though the whole accapella group hangs out of the window, finishing whatever song they had begun on their way in whilst oogling the female members of the JFK University accapella team. These looks, however, are not received in the way the man would like. Causing 90% of the women to scowl, as if directing their attention to a group of young naughty schoolboys in trouble. The group of trebles had turned to their leader, Bumper, as if asking permission... The man simply nods to his soldiers as each boy's attitude switches from abrasively flirty to sexist asshole in a matter of seconds (like true magic) and the two groups clash.

As the scene unfolds, a third much smaller van pulls up to the retreats parking area. This van isn't much like either of the others. Its design is elegant, a simple blue and white colour theme. Along both sides of the van there is the branding of "Barden Bella's" that is drawn out in neat calligraphy. On the back emergency exit doors of the van there is a large sticker that stretches entirely across, a giant cursive "B" to match the calligraphy on either side of the van. Once the van pulls to a stop, the women from inside come out one by one. All seemingly quite amused as some sing together, whilst others banter with each other. Its as if the girls hadn't just walked in on two groups out for war with one another. They seemed to be in their own little world as their members continue to exit the van, whilst the other two accapella groups continue with their argument.

Beca watches in quiet a passive manor as the two groups argues, before turning her attention to look at the most recently arrived van. As she watches, her attention is seemingly drawn towards a beautiful stranger that is slowly making her way to exit the "Barden Bella's" van. The redhead watches out of the windows, getting a glimpse of her competitors. However, her glance falls on a very awkwardly stood Beca Mitchell. The pairs eyes meet for a split second as the world seems to stop around them. The accapella groups argument becomes inaudible. Other faces become a blur. It was just the two of them, as if this meeting had been written in the stars... Prophesized for years... leading up to this exact moment. The breath-taking woman wears a wide smile on her face as her blue eyes study Beca from the inside of her team's van. Beca stands looks away from the stranger for a second, before glancing back. She hadn't ever witnessed such a look and had turned to make sure it was herself that the redhead was looking at with such an intense... but beautiful smile. The short woman turns once again, her gaze met by the gorgeous Bella, who had begun waving slightly at her. Beca's head turns to look behind her, checking once again in disbelief to see if it was really her this stranger was waving at. Rather than return the wave, Beca ducks her head slightly, in a flustered manor before walking to hide amongst her acapella group, The Footnotes.

Hey guys. Writer here. Dont worry! There is plenty more to come, Im just giving you guys a little taste haha. Tell me what you guys think of the start of this fanfiction in the comments and don't be afraid to add suggestions. 

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