Can't run away anymore

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It's been 2 months since Yeongyu ( Yeon and Beomgyu) are in a relationship. They seem to be happy ( only to Soobin ) whereas Yeonjun was always thinking about Soobin. He finally realised his love for Soobin. He wanted to tell Beomgyu but couldn't as he didn't wanna hurt him.

In these two months Soobin has ignored the rest as much as he could specially Yeonjun and Beomgyu. Shopping , outing , going to park -- in everything Soobin was missing. He didn't wanna go and see Yeongyu together. He didn't want to see Yeongyu together.

Yeonjun had enough of this nonsense so he dragged Soobin into an empty room and slammed him against the door.

Yeon ( shouting angrily )- What the hell do you think yourself as Choi Soobin?? Huhh ??

Soobin ( calmly )- I'm not getting you.

Yeonjun ( running his hand in his hairs )- You have been ignoring us since last 2 months. Everywhere we go you aren't willing to go. Why ? What's your problem ??

Soobin ( slightly angry )- I don't wanna go and see clinging to Beomgyu.

Yeonjun - So you're jealous ?

Soobin had enough . He pulled Yeonjun harshly by his collar .

Soobin ( being dead close and in an intimidating voice )- Yes I am cuz I love you . I love you Mr Choi Yeonjun.

Yeonjun was shocked and happy too. He placed his lips on Soobin's and started kissing him. Soobin too held Yeonjun's waist and started responding. After a good 3 minutes they broke the kiss hearing the sound of the door.

They turned back to see Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hyuka standing there.

Beomgyu - I knew about this. I've always known that you both love each other but weren't aware of.

Soobin - Then why were you both in a relationship?

Beomgyu - I wanted Yeonjun to confirm his feelings. Apparently he was in a relationship with me but all the time he used to talk about you . Your likes , dislikes , habits everything .

Yeonjun - And in this way I became aware of my love.

Soobin was smiling like a fool .

Soobin - That means you both aren't in love with each other ?

Yeongyu ( smiling )- No

Soobin hugged Yeonjun and vice versa. Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hyuka started clapping and hooting . Yeonjun and Soobin left to spend some time with each other. Hyuka left too.

Taehyun - Beomgyu how did you know Soobin loves Yeonjun ?

Beomgyu ( looking deeply into his eyes and lovingly )- Because EYES DON'T LIE. You'll understand later.

Beomgyu left leaving a confused Taehyun behind.
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Eyes don't lie - A Yeonbin FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora