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daddy: i just realized

daddy: that we never hung out together

oppar: who tf named u daddy

shutthefuckup: suckmin

memes: it's just because y'all are lonely asses who like to stay home and eat ice cream

God: nah i only wan my bf to come over

God: netflix n chill

Booyoncé: NetFliX aNd cHILL

God: u're just jualos cuz u got no man

Booyoncé: do u,,???

God: ok bye

ilovepija: jualos?

longassride: no actually i told u guys to hang out yesterday

memes: yesterday?

oppar: uh we didn't even talk yesterday

longassride: oh so that was a dream

longassride: so yall wan hang out,?

oppar: sure

memes: okay

daddy: yeah

ilovepija: omg that'd be so much furrrnn

memes: furn

ilovepija: fun*

memes: furn


babygorl: lmao u dreamt about us

longassride: ig so

shutthefuck: wet dream

babygorl: WAS IT?

longassride: I never mentioned that tho

ilovepija: most likely


bigtiddy: aren't you depressed


phatass: that's vernone of your business wonhoe

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phatass: that's vernone of your business wonhoe

memes: don't use my name as a verb

Booyoncé: vernone?

phatass: shut the fuk up 💖

ilovepija: JAJDSJHHSDJ

God: okay let's tell the others that we're hanging out

God: @ hoesuck @ oppar @ Luca$$

hoesuck: hey gais

hoesuck: we're hanging out? so i'm seeing y'alls ugla faces

oppar: bet u the ugliest chile

hoesuck: u'll see bitch

daddy: where's lucas tho

daddy: he lately hasn't been active

babygorl: oh where is he 

God: i miss him 🙄

shuthefuckup: yeh

phatass: i talked with him days ago n he told me that he's not feeling well

longassride: oh yeah he's not feeling well dw yall bout him

bigtiddy: i hope he's fine

ilovepija: same

hoesuck: he'll be fine 

hoesuck: neways y'all whores are cumming expect for lucas

daddy: expect 😭😭😭

hoesuck: shot op

hoesuck: cant people make mistakes for fucking once jesus fcuking christ

God: yeah


shutthefuckup: yah

longassride: yh

Booyoncé: yep

babygorl: yz

memes: yeah

phatass: yeth

bigtiddy: fuck yea

oppar: yesss

ilovepija: omg yes

hoesuck: of course

shutthefuckup: ur reply was unecessary hoesuck

hoesuck: i never asked youngle book

hoesuck: <4

God: sigh

phatass: don't u dhre fuckign sigh

God: sigh

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