8⭑ Cute antics

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When they entered their dorm the others questioned them about how the filming went.

"It was goOD." Jisung stated and his voice went high pitched at the end when Chenle suddenly pulled him with him towards their room, "wEnT SMOOTHLY." and the door was locked.

Chenle pushed Jisung on the bed who obviously couldn't balance his weight immediately and fell on a lying position. Chenle then climbed up on the bed and sat beside Jisung on his knees. He then took a pillow and started hitting Jisung with it.

"Woah woah woah, why ouch are you hitting me? YAH what happened? What did I OW do?"

Chenle stopped hitting and stared at Jisung who also stared back.

"What did you DO?" *hit* "Who told you to speak like a smartass?" *hit* "And make me all soft and fuzzy inside." *hit* "Who told you to be that adorable?" *hit* "And you frickin' hugged me in front of the crew and manager, god Jisungggggg" *hit* "And they were even looking at us." *hit*

Jisung then caught the pillow and kept it on his chest.

"That's why you are mad?"

"I'm not mad." Chenle pulled the pillow out of Jisung's grip and hit Jisung once again and later humphed, turning his head in another side, pouting.

Jisung chuckled and sat up holding Chenle's face in his hands. "I just said what I felt right." He said cutely and Chenle pouted more and looked down.

"It's fine." Chenle said.

"Hey c'mon don't be so sad sad. Look at me and gimme a smile."

Chenle smiled and looked up at Jisung, "I'm Sorry for hitting you earlier, does it hurt anywhere?"

Jisung shook his head slowly and smiled back at Chenle, "Let's go, the others are dying to know what we did at the filming."

Chenle rolled his eyes, "Why don't they watch it? I ain't telling them this time."

Jisung chuckled and pinched Chenle's cheeks. "Then let's just stay here, we already had lunch anyways." He laid down again and patted the space next to him for Chenle who complied to Jisung.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Jisung asked.


And they called it a movie afternoon.

[At night - after dinner]

"Jisung?" Chenle asked in a worried tone. And the said boy hummed in response.

"How do you think the fans will react?"

Jisung put his phone down and looked at Chenle who was fiddling with his fingers. Jisung smiled at the sight.

"Positively." He cupped Chenle's cheeks and made the boy look at him.

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I just am."

"I'm scared." Chenle avoided eye contact.

"Goodness Chenle stop being a worrywart. Nothing bad will happen. The company is with us and more importantly I am with you, I won't let anyone hurt you."

Chenle exhaled sharply and made eye contact with Jisung again and smiled, "You're right. I shouldn't worry too much."

"That's my Chenle." Jisung grinned and squished Chenle's cheeks. "Now let's sleep, it's late already and we have a lot to do tomorrow."

Chenle nodded and the boys laid themselves down, cudding with other and soon fell asleep.


Anothet short chapter but hope you enjoyed :) don't forget to vote or comment

Published : 10-07-2020
Words : 539

DESTINY ⭑ CHENJI [✓]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora