Chance Dialogue

56 18 13


Why should I be going to school?  What's the difference between  me and others? Where is my dad? Why does this happen to me?  Numerous of questions came on my mind as a little bling that crosses my ears. So, I took my mac, rushed to the back of the tree in our garden then, I went on We-chat. Immediately, a person got me active and interacted the second after. 

                         I thought it was maybe my classmates or the answer to my questions, so I chatted with the 'x'  until night falls like a sharp arrow which loses it's potential. The person I named 'x' pointed a meeting place before the river where we should meet. I took permission from my mum then, went. Arriving the meeting was really scary with my sound steps as if no one was there. 

                  Suddenly, a Thirty years- like adult approached me boldly with a florescent face and  introduced himself as Mr. Jf , then we started discussing as he was talking in such a manner he was exactly answering my questions except questions concerning my dad. So, I suspected he was my dad but I didn't say anything. After all, I went back home and did as if nothing happened. Auriana was sitting with 'em to do school work with my sister at home.

                                               (My sister thought I was flirting with Auriana)

 Tesha(my sister): Hum, hum

Me: Tesha, what is it?

Auriana:(blushes as she looks at me)

Tesha: hum,hum, Why are you shy?

Auriana: Me? shy about what?

Me: I don't get you girls? so............

Tesha: so what? She wants to tell you somethin' please,listen attentively.

Auriana: I think we should find a quiet place to talk

Me: Okay, the kitchen is quiet, let's go there!

  **Arriving the kitchen**

Me: Yes, is that please don't talk slowly, I really have some ...(couldn't finish my words, She kissed me smoothly)

Auriana: I love you, do you ? 

Me: Whoa, I like you but it seem like too fast

Auriana: No, I want you to be my Boyfriend !

Me: Okay, yes, let's do it. 

Auriana: Fine, I have to change our we-chat status to relation one then, post on the student's website the news.

Me: what  I'm suppose to say to my friends?

Auriana: Don't worry,  you have the most sexy, popular and best girlfriend on earth, I'll settle that secretly

Me: Okay, Let me drop you home!

Auriana: keep it in mind I love you!(held my wrist)

Auriana: keep it in mind I love you!(held my wrist)

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                           (followed her home)

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