A Rainy Day

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My name is Emily Fortis, I am 14 and I am an orphan. My parents died when I was 3 in a car accident my foster parents died when I was 7. I live on the streets no home to call mine. I was a happy child I was gifted in the arts I could memorize numbers and songs so easily. I was happy.

The reason you are reading this is because these are my last thoughts, or so I think they are. I can't tell dream from life or where I am all I know is my name and my past. I see what no one else can I see colors where it is black and white, I see love where there is hate. I see death where there is life.

One day I was walking home from school in the fog and rain and a car hit me and ran over me my skull was cracked, the road a pool of blood I nearly died. They ran me to a hospital and thats all that I can remember from that day. Because of that accident I have my new gift. A much better gift that I will use to help. And this is my adventure.

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