My Escape

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I woke up I was in a coffin, and it was sealed. I screamed hoping someone would let me out. I felt it being heated up, I was being cremated. I pounded against the lid desperately hoping for a rescue. My life flashed before me eyes I saw my parents dancing with me at a reunion and we were all smiling. Then my foster parents one night asleep. As my child self burst in the room crying from a nightmare they comforted me as I cried then I fell asleep. They were so sweet then my mother reached her hand out to me I wanted to grab it but the coffin blocked me from it. I tried and then felt my hand actually feel her hand its softness, she wasn't a flashback she was real. I thought that my fears could be good and apparently they could. She wasn't one of my fears she was my hope. I finally grabbed her hand and she pulled me out of the coffin. I don't know how but she saved me. I fell onto the ground and watched the coffin burn. I started to cry because she wasn't there she had left me. I sat on the floor alone. I didn't even get to say goodbye for the first time. I thought about it and I never said goodbye to my parents ever. In Fact before my birth parents died I said I hated them and never wanted to see them again. And now I feel like I killed them, but maybe I did..

The Only Thing to Fear is Fear ItselfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang